GCSE Results


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Nov 16, 2002
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(for all you non UK people GCSE's are end of high school exams, when your 16)

I finally got my results in, and i thought i share them with ya :tickled:

Maths A*
English A
English lit. B
Double Science AA
Business Studies B
Graphics B
Music C
Religious Studies C
French D
Greek E :p

im pretty pleased with em, could have done better in music and business studies, but for now im content :)

anyone else got their results?
Funny you should mention it, I just got my A level results. Ive been driving certain members up the wall with em :lol: but im not ready to share em yet.

Btw, congrats, those are excellent :)
Bugger me sideways, you got to do Greek??

But yes, congrats!!

Only results I got this year were for my first year at uni:
- Intro to Programming: A
- Computer Technology: A
- Intro to Information Systems: A
- Software Design & Implementation: A
- Business & Professional Development: A
- Language Design & Implementation: B
- Developing Group Interaction Skills: C
- IT Skills (Mickey Mouse module): C
- Data Modelling & Database Design: C

Got an A overall for the first year, which is good enough for me even though it doesn't count towards the final grade.
hehe, Greek wasnt compulsory, my rents made me do it (im greek cypriot) but i didnt revise or anything, and basically suck at languages, so they were suprised that i passed :p
Well from Year 7-9 Spanish was compulsory, and in Year 9 so was French... after that I was already better at French than Spanish so I chose that for GCSE. Then after I did it, I forgot most of what I learnt. :p
:lol: Oops.

Only C++ and a tiny bit of Visual Basic. It went at a very slow pace this year. Next year I think there'll be hmtl and Java, and more C++ and maybe something else, I'm not sure yet.

EDIT: And SQL this year.

RE-EDIT: And some sort of Assembly language this year, I forget...
Rusty said:
RE-EDIT: And some sort of Assembly language this year, I forget...

Ugh, your doing basically the same as me. I had to do an assignment in Binary. Needless to say I now hate 1 and 0's. I had to do Cobol to, thats an utter cunt.
Hexxan said:
hehe, Greek wasnt compulsory, my rents made me do it (im greek cypriot) but i didnt revise or anything, and basically suck at languages, so they were suprised that i passed :p

You're a Greek cypriot and got an E in Greek!? For shame, malaka! Must I tutor you? :p

But nice grades overall, congrats!
:lol: I was thinking of posting all of mine (from 2000), but I don't think I'll bother now. ;) Besides, everyone knows they made GCSEs much harder during the late nineties...