CYBION is available!!!

Brett - K A L I S I A

Dreaded Moderator
Feb 26, 2004
Yes yes, 2009...




CYBION is an anticipation concept-album. It is only composed of one epic piece. We strongly insist on this point: its structures and audio tracks are here to provide reference points to the listener, but CYBION must be considered as a one and only piece. It may only make sense in its entirety, exactly like a movie. Music and lyrics are very closely connected, developing atmospheres trying to provoke various emotions to the listener (oppression, happiness...), proposing (and not imposing) him a succession of pictures and feelings corresponding as closely as possible to the development of the story (but everyone is free to interpret it in a different way… as each person feels music in a different way). A million miles away from the idea of an easy-listening or disposable music, like those records you listen to once or twice before they get lost and dusty on a shelf (if they were even bought...), this piece can be difficult to understand at first, but will reveal itself time after time to those who’ll strive to listen carefully, and will always surprise them, even after dozens of listening.

A universal language
In order to provide more credibility, weight but also more poetry to the language imposed by the League, another genuine language called Kal was created for this record. Far from being just a simple translation of French or English with different words, this articulated language possesses its own grammar, semantic and etymology, and its calligraphy is also unique. Kal results from the study of different living, dead or imaginary languages such as Sanskrit, Latin, English, Arabic, Greek, German, Japanese, and even Quenya and Tengwar. It required, its creator Brett Caldas-Lima acknowledges, "a totally stupid amount of working hours in regard to the few times it is used".


The idea
The idea behind "Origins" was first to make "Skies", the band’s first demo (which was reportedly sold on eBay for more than 100 euros…), available again. Since the 1500 limited copies edition released by Adipocere in 1996 was out of stock, the band decided to give it out freely on download. Today, it’s a re-mixed and re-mastered version which is brought to you, but still keeping (or nevertheless trying to keep) the soul and the style of the original sound, just improving it in order to make the instruments sound clearer (even if some approximations become more audible). Nothing was re-recorded.

The Covers
Since "Skies" is only half an hour-long and that a CD can contain a lot more than that, why not give the fans something even more worth their money? This is where "Origins" came out. 4 bands were chosen, each one in a different style in which KALISIA used to pick inspiration to make their own combinations and create their own style. These bands were DREAM THEATER (progressive metal), CYNIC (experimental jazz death metal), EMPEROR (black metal) and LOUDBLAST (death metal). These 4 bands influenced KALISIA (along with so many more) when it was formed and helped it to build-up its own personality. It is also interesting to note that these bands (especially the first two) were very often quoted in the reviews published about the "Skies" release.


Even if KALISIA couldn’t find any support from record companies (judging the product too hard to sell despite its quality), the band received the much more important, to their eyes, help and support from many artists throughout the world officiating in different universes (well, still in the metal scene) and who agreed, for the greatest happiness and pride of the band, to take part in the project. Each of them gave KALISIA absolutely amazing performances.



The physical support of CYBION will, for the moment, only be a deluxe Digipak version. It is a double CD 4 panel digipak with a 36 page color booklet.


Three ways of ordering the album will be put in place before the end of 2008:

• The physical support (digipak double CD) will firstly be available on the website of the band exclusively ( for only 14 euros (plus shipping). Pre-orders will be shipped at the end of January 2009, in order to avoid risks of parcel loss by the postal services during the Holidays season. The album will remain available on the website in the future.

• Then, it will be available in French shops via the usual Season of Mist distribution network. Everything was done (meaning the band earns almost nothing) to make the final price as low as possible (around 16 or 17 euros), but as many intermediates are implicated, it is difficult, not to say impossible, to know the final selling price yet. A final release date is yet to be set, but it will probably be around mid-February.

• CYBION (without "Origins") will also be available in MP3 format. It will only cost 3 euros, will be legally downloadable and without any restriction on the files (no DRM or any device pissing you off and preventing you from listening to it anywhere you want) on and will be available on different platforms as well: iTunes, Rhapsody, Amazon mp3, eMusic, Napster... (prices may differ from a platform to another). As a reward for people supporting the band by buying the MP3 files instead of downloading it illegally, buyers will get a discount coupon corresponding to 50% of the digital format price (that’s to say 1,50 euros) they can use to buy the digipak on if they like the album.

Skies has been in my regular rotation for a looong time. I ordered a few days back when I realised it was on the website.

To my ears Cybion has to be one of the better albums of the last few years at least. I can't recall listening to the same disc as much since the first Gory Blister album.

So when's the world tour start?? I hear Australia is the place to go. Beer and women as far as the eye can see.

I (think I?) saw Brett do the vocals for Cynic in Budapest too. So if Skies and a 70 minute epic isn't a long enough set then a Uroboric Forms cover will be a fine encore!
just bought me a copy. Been waiting for this for a long long time. w00t!

Unfortunately it cost $26 USD. Jeezus. I haven't paid that much for a cd in....FOREVER!

But its well worth it for this album; this album of fucking killer music!
Cybion MP3's been spinning almost non-stop all day long (and as you can see, it's been a loooooong day, in fact I might just skip sleeping tonight – well, whatever).

I still have this blurry feeling about the whole piece, it's so dense, even dazzling at times... But each spin revealed more of what's really going on in this true epic of a song, and I'm starting to find the whole process fascinating.

I can remember my first time hearing Kalisia and being mostly repelled by the robotic death vocals, and though I'll admit I'm still not really into it, the sheer power of the music, from these incredibly powerful riffs to some of the most daring arrangements I heard to this day, is making me oblivious to these aspects of Cybion I'm not getting (and I have to say, in a strangely easy way, which is truly part of the aforementioned process).

Anyway, I lack some insight (i.e. lyrics) to fully grasp the story of Cybion and thus more deeply understand the music behind it, so I'm not gonna feed you anymore of these ramblings o' mine, I just wanted to say how surprised and attracted I am about this record.

Good job :)
Hi Kalisia and all fans

I'm a new fan from Paris, France. I discovered Kalisia from the website The topic about the release date, the package, the guests, etc, attracted me.

I just ordered my digipack yesterday after listening to some samples from this masterpiece. It blew my mind, so powerful and melodic, I need more than these samples :headbang:

Can we have any information about the beginning of the shipping ?

I wish you all the success you deserve and hope to hear more from you in the future (any live show to come ???)

Sorry for my english, I'm french (so weird to speak english to french band members just because the forum is international :loco: Hope I'm understandable.

Cheers to all

Je viens le recevoir au fin fonds de ma banlieue sud de Los Angeles.
  • comme promis dans les temps, merci
  • le packaging est tres beau
  • je me suis jete comme un mort de soif sur le CD2 et quel bonheur!, (Skies + Cynic et Loudblast, Yeah!)
  • Je n'ai ecoute l'album qu'1 fois mais l'attente valait le coup (et pourtant je mettai prepare a etre decu) et donc je poste ce petit message,
  • Malgre le taux de change US / Euro qui faitle CD a un prix prohibitoire, je suis enchante.
Maintenant va falloir voir sur le long terme pour l'album et pour que vous soyez un peu + reactif (+tournees...)

En tout cas, ca tatanne severe
it's been very long since I haven't listened to an album that many times in a row (well in fact I think I almost never listen to an album twice the same day, whereas I must have put Cybion at least four or five times yesterday^^).... I don't think I have listened to anything else during the past few days^^
I really love this whole album !

Cybion is as fantastic as in my memories (I had the chance to listen to it twice before its release) ans Skies and the covers are excellent as well. I simply think it is one of the best "du genre" records of all times !

The wait was really worth it ! :worship::headbang:
I finally got mine today! Hurray. The booklet was the reason I wanted the cd. I've been waiting to read these lyrics for so long and they are not disappointing at all! They are awesome!!!!!!!

I think someone should make like a wiki page where a full album explanation, track by track, could be posted.
I got my copy yesterday...simply awesome. Great artwork and lyrics...and the glossary was a nice touch :D I think I've got the basic gist of the storyline down, but there are a few details here and there that I'm fuzzy on...I'll have to ponder some more :) Anyway, congrats on the fantastic packaging and amazing album...but I'm having trouble listening to anything else may need to put some sort of warning label on future pressings ;)