Gear for the year.

Yeah, I was at Samash the other day and saw ASP8's for $400 apiece...maybe Event is planning an update (and the TR8 has been pulled from Sweetwater and other online retailers as well)
Sweet dude, but why go for another Profire? You could get a Presonus Digimax FS for less money and probably just as good quality...

Well I need another Profire because I will be using it with pro tools. If not I would just get something else. I like the Profire anyway though.
I don't think its a light version, its not TDM, but I'm pretty sure it can use longer impulses.
theres 0 delay on it, altiverb has a large buffer and cakewalk perfect space has some delay too. I haven't tried the waves one.

I really like TL Space
Well I need another Profire because I will be using it with pro tools. If not I would just get something else. I like the Profire anyway though.

I'm pretty sure you can run any preamp you want into the Profire you already have via ADAT and it will work fine because the interface itself is ProTools compatible... If for some reason that's not possible though, you could still just get an M-Audio Octane preamp, you don't need 2 entire interfaces.
tlspace is fucking awesome! Trust mate you won't need to sell your soul to the evil waves empire!
So far I've bought (in rough chronological order):

  • Little Labs Redeye (reamp box)
  • M-Audio Keystation 49e (midi keyboard)
  • T.Bone SC450 + popfilter
  • Sennheiser HD-25 II
  • Mesa Boogie Rectifier 4x12" Standard
  • HP 8710p laptop for mobile recording
And still to come, all of these for future live shows with Vortech:

  • Digitech DigiDelay (for the second time :lol: )
  • Radial ProRMP (reamp box)
  • Behringer ADA8000
And on my wish-list for this year:

  • DB Technologies M10-2 Plus (live monitor)
  • Audix i5
  • Shure Beta 57
  • Engl Z-5 (footswitch)
Yeah, you want to hear even further wishful thinking? :erk:

  • Chandler LTD Germanium
  • API 512c + lunchbox
  • Sennheiser MD421
  • Peavey 6505
  • Engl Savage 120
  • Dynaudio BM6A Mk II
  • Schecter Hellraiser V-1 FR BCH
  • DB Technologies Arena SW-15 (PA subwoofer)
  • DB Technologies Arena 10 (PA speakers)
  • T.Amp Proline 3000 (PA power amp)
I just bought

Behringer headphone amp- 4 channel works a treat
cheap phones for tracking- decent isolation,got them in maplin
Halfer Guitar pre-amp
Custom Sound mos-fet power amp
Behringer 4 channel comp/gate/limiter - for band practise to get more from our p.a, i'll try recording with it and see how it sounds though.
Got a desk stand and longer arm that i'm using on guitar cabs and kicks, works great.

i'm looking to get if I can afford it once college starts again,

A set of Rode Nt-5's
Audix drum mic set- d6,d4,i5 and 2 d2's.
Orange tiny terror/krank Rev jnr- either one or the other.
A nice budget LDC, AT4040 or Rode Nt1a.
I'd like to pick up a few naiant mics-they're so cheap I figure why not- might work out well as spot/room mics.

I also want to pick up a few more heavy duty stands- the really cheap ones I got are starting to wear.
I also want to build that mic pre and a set of triggers, i'm pretty lazy though so it may take a while before these get done!
Here's my wishlist:
- Engl 4x12 Pro cab with V30s
- Shure SM57
- a drum mic kit, maybe something more affordable like Audio-Technica MB/Dk7, anyone tried these?
- a 7-string Schecter (most probably Blackjack, but me likes the Loomis model as well - too bad I can't try any of these anywhere)
- some of these passive humbuckers just for trying out (Gibson Burstbuckers and Classic '57 for my V and SD '59 and Custom 5 for Kramer)
- a white Gibson Flying V
- Gibson LP Std. :worship:

The last two are more like daydreaming, so disregard those counts... :lol:
This year so far I've gotten:
speaker stands
Sonar 7 pro (free from Roland, but I don't use it!)
Digidesign Transfuser (1 year NFR)
Digidesign Structure (1 year NFR)
10 GLS Audio ES-57s (sold 5)
short mic stand
DIY subkick
Mellowmuse Auto Time Adjuster
FXPansion VST-RTAS adapter
MoReVox Retroverb impulse response library (free for a review on my site, blogging FTW!)
12 DIY acoustic panels
2 S/PDIF cables...I'm running out of things to list

I just paid off my $8,000 line of credit finally, just need $12,000 for my Dad and I'll be out of debt! Audio school debt FTW!