Gear for the year.

Loren Littlejohn

Lover of all boobage.
Here is my list:

Audix D6 (hopefully can find used, if not new is fine $200ish)
URS everything EQ and compressor bundle (Ed discount, should be $540+tax)
VST to RTAS wrapper (probably getting friday if it's still $50)
Music production toolkit (ED discount, should be $250ish)
Cubase studio 4 upgrade ($99)
Nother firepod (don't want to spend over $300, honestly I don't need that many more channels but why not)
Convolution reverb: (any ideas? I don't really care to spend more than $300, has to be at least VST, preferably RTAS as well, I'm thinking waves but I dunno I don't have any waves plugs and don't really care to either :erk:)

That's it for now, I may grab up a cheap bass for the fuck of it as well. I am getting monitor stands for the birthday in a month.
Hey Loren, what type of Firepod were you looking for? Looks like I'm going to make the drop on an SSL Alpha Link or a RME FireFace800/ADI-8 combo, so my Firepod will be useless.

Let me know if you are interested.
Heres mine, Im feeling a bit like a Gearslut at the moment

Acoustic Foam around £40

Drum Kit Mic Set (£70) - An unknown kit that I have found with one of my trade catlogues but, It has 4 clip on microphones, a kick drum D112 Clone and 2 condensor overheads. I suppose its nothing too special but its worth snapping up for what I want.

L2007 Limiter - $89 a corking limiter, though I can use the basic functions on the free version.. But Id be happy for Massey to get my money, based on their business methods...

Melodyne - Undecided

And really thats about it for now.. I think I've almost reached gear karma..

On a side note, - GuitarGodgt how do you implement using both Cubase and Pro Tools? I myself tend to use Cubase for tracking and sequencing MIDI. I then dump everything into Pro Tools to edit and Mix. Just wondering if you do the same?
Hey Loren, what type of Firepod were you looking for? Looks like I'm going to make the drop on an SSL Alpha Link or a RME FireFace800/ADI-8 combo, so my Firepod will be useless.

Let me know if you are interested.

If you can hang on for a month then yeah I want it. :kickass:

Firepod or FP10 doesn't matter as long as it's one of the 2 (need FP10 or firepod cause I am chaining them).

Also don't want anything overly beat up, but most of the forum members here are kickass with thier shit so it's all good.
Yep you got it. Cubase is MUCH cheaper as far as getting lots of I/O so I track and mix with that. Pro tools was more of a "want to learn it" purchase I have only done 2 projects in pro tools since I don't have the wrapper and I use so many VST plugs that don't exist as RTAS. I got a great deal on an mbox bundle since I am still a student. Actually alot of what is listed above is student discounted stuff. The URS plugs would run ALOT more than that if I wasn't rocking the student discount. The musicians bundle would be the same (2X the above cost).

I will probably use pro tools a little bit more once I get the wrapper and musicians bundle. I will still track in cubase though.

BTW Melodyne is kickass, even uno. But I would splurge for the plug if you have the funds (would increase my workflow by a lot if I had done so).

Massey stuff is awesome, but the URS stuff is just so boner inspiring :lol:. I tried all of the plugs on a 2 week unrestricted demo and instantly wanted it. I would just get the ch. strip but I just plain want everything.

Anyhow all that aside: When I get the musicians bundle should I upgrade TL space (anyone know how much that would be)? How good is the version included?
If you can hang on for a month then yeah I want it. :kickass:

Firepod or FP10 doesn't matter as long as it's one of the 2 (need FP10 or firepod cause I am chaining them).

Also don't want anything overly beat up, but most of the forum members here are kickass with thier shit so it's all good.

I won't be around it til a month anyway.... So it will still be there.

It's one of the older styles, but I upgraded it to the FP10 firmware. Shouldn't matter though.

And it's as clean as can be, kept the original box and foam and all that good stuff. I'll send you a reminder in September when I'm in the states and see if you still want it.
My gear list seems to grow and change as I learning about new ideas and start seeing flaws in my current setup. For this year, my gear shouldn't grow too much though. I'm set on doing my demo using what little gear I have, the remaining items are:

-Blackstar OS 4x12 (just ordered this morning!)
-Some kind of cheap Midi Keyboard, probably M-Audio Oxygen 8
-T-bone RB100 Ribbon mic, or Audix i5.
-Some NOS tubes for the ENGL, RFT 12at7 for PI and a JAN General Electric 5751 for V3

After the demo is complete I'm looking to pick up some new bits in early '09, an FMR Really Nice Preamp and new PCI Soundcard, maybe an EMU 1212M. Finally I'd quite like a UAD-1, mainly for the Pultec EQ's.

The store I ordered the cab from had a load of Drum Kits too, and I must admit I was sorely tempted, considering they had a very nice Birch Tama kit for the same price as the cab. All I need now is to learn how to play drums! I may find myself ordering a Firepod and Triggers to use the kit with DFHS, who I said, I'm learning all the time.
Hahahaha, only the best, from Buttfuckistan! (JBroll joke) :heh: Let us know how they sound dude!

:lol: I'm normally pretty skeptical about NOS tubes, but the general consensus seems to be that the 12at7 works better as a PI, and RFT has a good rap with ENGL fans so, hey why not? The 5751 is to just lower the gain a bit. I'll be ordering them to arrive with the new cab, so I can post clips. :heh:
I'm getting myself a Mesa Triple Rectumfrier.
Kids see that and flock to my studio. It's nice. Pays for itself basically.

More stuff.... I already bought Melodyne, Audix i5, 2 Shure KSM44's... Marshall JCM 2000. Other little stuff like a 8x0 XLR snake.

I'm lucky to be old enough to have a decent full time day job and a nice little studio that ppl like to be in.
This year I'm planning on picking up the following...

-Building a new PC just for recording now that I have a space
-Studio RTA Producer Station desk
-Audio Technica AT4050
-Sansamp Bass Driver DI
-Couple pairs of MoreMe headphones
-Another Audix DP5a set
-Fractal Audio Axe-FX
-Sell my Single Rec and get a Dual Rec

Then next spring I want to buy a studio kit since I finally have a house to play the damn things in, an Onyx 800R to expand my inputs a bit, an FMR RNP and RNC and a Marshall 4x12 with G12T75s to mix it up a bit vs. my Recto cab.
Yep you got it. Cubase is MUCH cheaper as far as getting lots of I/O so I track and mix with that. Pro tools was more of a "want to learn it" purchase I have only done 2 projects in pro tools since I don't have the wrapper and I use so many VST plugs that don't exist as RTAS. I got a great deal on an mbox bundle since I am still a student. Actually alot of what is listed above is student discounted stuff. The URS plugs would run ALOT more than that if I wasn't rocking the student discount. The musicians bundle would be the same (2X the above cost).

I will probably use pro tools a little bit more once I get the wrapper and musicians bundle. I will still track in cubase though.

BTW Melodyne is kickass, even uno. But I would splurge for the plug if you have the funds (would increase my workflow by a lot if I had done so).

Massey stuff is awesome, but the URS stuff is just so boner inspiring :lol:. I tried all of the plugs on a 2 week unrestricted demo and instantly wanted it. I would just get the ch. strip but I just plain want everything.

Anyhow all that aside: When I get the musicians bundle should I upgrade TL space (anyone know how much that would be)? How good is the version included?

Just taken a look at the URS bundle, look very nice plugins. To be honest I think I have more than enough to get me going. The VST to RTAS was a grand purchase for £25. Have you ever tried out the Antress Plugins. Someone copied the source from some high end Channel strips and compressors and brought them out on his own back for free... Have a look around for them.

Very tempted for Melodyne.. been playing with the dem but I don't know if it really should be a priority or not
i haven't bought shit this year, because i moved and had to downgrade to your typical bedroom setup...i've been planning on springing for some acoustic treatment, but my wife isn't down for having our room covered in bass traps

i AM getting an amp to replace my ampeg in the immediate future, though...either a 5150 or rev jr., and will probably snag a reamp box to go with
This summer was pretty much my first to get a ton of gear. So far this year I have gotten:

Audix D6
Audix D4
2x Audix D2
2x SM81s (Amazing!)
Radial ProRMP
Direct Sound EX-29s

I am planning on getting by the end of the year:

2nd Profire 2626
Cases for the above mics
actually i was thinking of taking some poster flags i have, and using those to cover some traps...

i have a big deftones one i really like, along with an awesome heineken flag that i stole from a bar one time
I'm getting myself a Mesa Triple Rectumfrier.
Kids see that and flock to my studio. It's nice. Pays for itself basically.

More stuff.... I already bought Melodyne, Audix i5, 2 Shure KSM44's... Marshall JCM 2000. Other little stuff like a 8x0 XLR snake.

Sweet dude, though I think a Dual would be plenty - Triple just seems like overkill (more power, not more tone). How do you like the KSM's? Are you using them for OH's, and if so, do you find them relatively easy to position, being side-address and all?

This year I'm planning on picking up the following...

-Building a new PC just for recording now that I have a space
-Studio RTA Producer Station desk
-Audio Technica AT4050
-Sansamp Bass Driver DI
-Couple pairs of MoreMe headphones
-Another Audix DP5a set
-Fractal Audio Axe-FX
-Sell my Single Rec and get a Dual Rec

Then next spring I want to buy a studio kit since I finally have a house to play the damn things in, an Onyx 800R to expand my inputs a bit, an FMR RNP and RNC and a Marshall 4x12 with G12T75s to mix it up a bit vs. my Recto cab.

Christ Adam, you're a gear monster! The Axe-Fx especially, with all those bitchin' amps you have, and why another DP5 set? You really think you'll need 2 D4's and 4 D2's total?

This summer was pretty much my first to get a ton of gear. So far this year I have gotten:

Audix D6
Audix D4
2x Audix D2
2x SM81s (Amazing!)
Radial ProRMP
Direct Sound EX-29s

I am planning on getting by the end of the year:

2nd Profire 2626
Cases for the above mics

Sweet dude, but why go for another Profire? You could get a Presonus Digimax FS for less money and probably just as good quality...
Christ Adam, you're a gear monster! The Axe-Fx especially, with all those bitchin' amps you have, and why another DP5 set? You really think you'll need 2 D4's and 4 D2's total?

Haha well I want another D6 anyways because my drummer just got a second kick drum, and he also expanded his kit to 3 rack toms and 2 floor toms now, so either way I needed to get some more stuff to cover that. I figure I can get a DP5a kit on ebay for <$600 and I'll get an extra i5 out of it as well.

I was considering maybe grabbing a D6 on it's own and a pair of 421s since I sort of want one for messing around with on guitar cabs anyways, but that's going to be like $700-800 just for those 3 mics, so I figured I'd say fuck it and get the better value of the DP5a kit and try throwing a D2 or D4 on my cabs instead :lol:

I'm pumped about the Axe-Fx though for sure! I'll mostly end up using it for clean sounds and bass tracking I think, maybe for leads as well, but it's going to be a nice piece of gear to have at the studio for sure, I know I'll end up finding a lot of uses for it.

For the record though, I'm just a dumbass kid who is lucky enough to be able to afford gear, expect some shitty mixes from some undeserving bastard who has more gear than he knows what to do with coming your way soon! :lol:
I still really want a Crane Song HEDD, an older 48k version that costs about 1/4 of the price of the new ones. Unfortunately they're pretty hard to find- the last one on eBay was sold in May. As soon as I can find one I will be buying it. I bought a Distressor recently as well, and I've got some mixing coming up soon so it will see some good use there! Also, I am going to be selling my KRK RP-8s pretty soon, as I bought a pair of Event ASP-8s. For some reason Guitar Center is blowing those things out at like $350 each, brand new, while on all the internet stores are they're still selling for over $600 each!