Gear Pics Thread!!!!!!!


and his imaginary friend
Mar 4, 2005
Okay. IHave27Frets, as well as the Pics thread gave me an idea. GEAR PICS THREAD!!!!! Just post whatever pics of your gear you want.
I'll start.

My Drum Set
Tama Stagestar w/ Paiste 502 cymbals (crash, ride, china, hihat, splash) and Sabian prototype AAX Rock Crash (18")

My DV8-R and Ibanez 7 string

My Ibanez 5 string Bass

My Keyboard - Casio WK 3000

The most important part of my gear: My Recordee Box!!!
It's actually a funny story! A few weeks ago, it broke in the middle of band practice. Doesn't that suck? But I know already, that I want the Line 6 Spider 2 stack. Bass amp, not yet.

And IHave27Frets, what are the other 2 guitars that aren't Caparrisons?
ihave27frets said:

Damn dude, question, do you live on Long Island, or do you have a Caparison endorsement? Cause the only dealer of Caparison Guitars in the US is the Guitar Asylum in Miller Place (and I think they have a store in Hauppage too). I've never been there myself, but I should go sometime seeing as how its only like 20 min away.
hey ptah, dont you also have a Carvin guitar? by the way, is that casio keyboard only touch sensitive or can that function be removed so its sounds at the same volume no matter how hard you play?
Yngvai X said:
Damn dude, question, do you live on Long Island, or do you have a Caparison endorsement? Cause the only dealer of Caparison Guitars in the US is the Guitar Asylum in Miller Place (and I think they have a store in Hauppage too). I've never been there myself, but I should go sometime seeing as how its only like 20 min away.
Na, Im in Florida..I get them directly from Japan.