Gearing up for The Metalgods tour.


Child of Decadence
Dec 31, 2002
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So What do you plan on buying there?


Testament- TShirt, whatever they have thats cool, I guess First Strike Still Deadly (?)
Amon Amarth- Tshirt, Versus the World- Thousand Years of Oppression /Mummified shirt
Amon Amarth- Tshirt, Versus the World- Horns & Sword shirt
Immortal- Tshirt, Demons of Metal (That, is a cool shirt, but Immortal being Satanic?... fuckin right!)
Carnal Forge- Tshirt, The More you Suffer album art Shirt (and CD?)
Also if in stock:
The Possible inclusion of Behemoth’s Zos Kia Cultus shirts... since they did some cover dates for AA I heard...

Anyone know exactly what shirts AA will have with them, I collect bandshirts as a hobby (like many of us)... just wondering...

Do they have a Tshirt with the cover-art of Versus the World on it yet?
I don't think they have the cover art of Versus The World on shirts. :(

Me, I'll probably only get a Testament shirt. I have both shirts Amon Amarth had on their last tour (not even a whole month ago), and I'm not into the other bands. I'm going just for Testament and Amon Amarth.
Hopefully I'll have the money to get an Immortal shirt or two if they have designs I don't already have. If AA has the horns shirt I'll pick it up, but I already got the Dragonship and Norsemen shirts last time. Maybe a tour shirt if there is one, and maybe a Testament shirt, money allowing. But mostly Immortal at this point.
My preparations for the Metal Gods tour this weekend in NYC were to make 60 jello shots last night w/ Devil's Spring 160 proof vodda-vodda-vodka!! (and you guys need a passed-the-fuck out icon on this board . . . **hiccup**)
Im gona prepare for the show by carb loading, working out, and streching for the pit. The only thing that sucks is that AM only has a 30 min set.
My preparation has been: intense yoga workouts to improve my flexability. Got to be able to be bent into a pretzel!:grin:

Oh, that-and buying some new thigh high stockings and a bottle a Famous Grouse whiskey!
I'd love to get anything, but I am broke as hell.... tickets are $40, and shirts are going to be out of the question, :/
LunarTower said:
So What do you plan on buying there?

Immortal- Tshirt, Demons of Metal (That, is a cool shirt, but Immortal being Satanic?... fuckin right!)

Hey Lunar, just for yr information, demon or demonic does not mean satanic, Immortal never embraced Satan, they mentioned it once in the Pure Holocaust album (I think). Demon is a spirit or immaterial being and one holding a place between man and deities in the pagan mythology or a cruel or evil person. That does not qualify you as satanic. I have always loved the misconception of satanism that some people have, but that is not the point here, just wanted to point it out.

Anyways, I ll prob end up buying an Immortal and AA tour shirt and with the tax return money I am getting that should not be a prob.
Belgar said:
Hey Lunar, just for yr information, demon or demonic does not mean satanic, Immortal never embraced Satan, they mentioned it once in the Pure Holocaust album (I think). Demon is a spirit or immaterial being and one holding a place between man and deities in the pagan mythology or a cruel or evil person. That does not qualify you as satanic. I have always loved the misconception of satanism that some people have, but that is not the point here, just wanted to point it out.

Anyways, I ll prob end up buying an Immortal and AA tour shirt and with the tax return money I am getting that should not be a prob.

...No I mean the shirt has the current line-up on Satanic thrones with Inverted crosses at the thrones tops, and a bigassed fucking red pentagram on the back with the words "Demons of Metal"... I think I know Satanic when I see it...

:hypno: Thigh-Highs eh? delicious.