Generic Guitar EQ curve in ReaEQ - pictures ?

Could you post something more "in the zone" than my quick little attempt ? The starting points.
It's used with the X50 v1.0.1 and Catharsis' impulses, passive Schecter pickups.

I've used 3dB as a starting point and a bandwitch of 1.0 and the lo/hi filters are extreme I know lol
I couldn't see myself using this EQ setup for guitars on anything I ever recorded. lol
I would try some aggressive boost around 2 and 4K though. Boosted 2K = euphoric sound. JK
It depends on mic placement (or impulse in your case) and taste of course. If you do it the right way you might not need much more than LPF/HPF. But as a rule try to fix the problem as early in the chain as possible, don't wait to fix things later with some post EQ.
We still haven't heard the sample of this sound, and even then, we'd have to hear the whole mix in order to truly criticize it.
I would never boost anywhere between 2-4k in guitar. In fact, I'm always cutting the fuck out of those areas.

once you get a session where the mic was placed a bit too far from the cone will quickly change your mind. All in all I think boosting the upper mids or top end on the guitars is quite prevalent in pop/rock methinks..