Genre Exclusive, Or shit shall I say "Band Exclusive"?

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
I find it that every gig that I attend has a new crop of attendees. Sure this shitpit has 49 million people in it, but the scene is still relatively small enough where you would see a certain number of the same folks at similiar styled shows. Aside from maybe metal Amy of HC fame, every damn gig has a new set of fans. If I were a betting man, I'd venture to guess that you would see the same people at Amorphis that you would at Katatonia. Well it turns out that Amorphis' L.A fan base is comprised of hot preppy white chicks that are in to Finns, while Katatonia has a following based primarily on slutty goth chicks who seem oblivious to anything prior to Viva La Emptiness.

Has any one else observed this phenomena? Or is this isolated to Mejico Norte?
I see tonnes of familiar faces at all the NY shows for most bands.

I did find the crowd a little interesting though at Paradise Lost -- it was 90% goth chicks, most of which are hideous and overweight.