Genre shelf-life fiasco.

I dont say that they didnt do cocaine. I say that they knew that cocaine didnt do any good to them - Snowblind (even the title itself is ironical). Many people who do cocaine know that they are doing a bad thing to themselves, they just put the "enjoyment" above the harm. The lyrics talk about that false joy, which is nothing but fake bliss.
Also read the lyrics of "Hand Of Doom"
I'll agree that Snowblind can be interpretted about the evils of coke (especially the title), but moreso that they enjoyed the drug. Especially since they explicitly thank "the great COKE-Cola Company of Los Angeles" in the liner notes. :Smokedev:

I've never done coke. Heard it was fun but not worth the associated problems.
Thats why "Sweet Leaf" is a totally "fun song" . Cocaine can kill, weed cannot (well normally ... ).
Also generally songs about weed are more up tempo, while songs talking about harmful drugs have a sad or melancholic feeling
I agree with IOTS (OMG!), you really must consider the way Ozzy sings "Snowblind". It's not a positive song. He doesn't sound convincing singing "you're the one that's really a loser" and lines like that, and that's the point...

Longest shelf-life: MetallicA, Maiden

Bah, I generally listen to everything that I've ever listened to since I started listening to metal every now and then. Doom and thrash probably wins though.
I never got a "sad" vibe from Snowblind. Songs like Solitude, Changes, and Wheels of COnfusion were more on the sad side.
No, I don't listen to Metallica drunk (anymore). For some reason if I'm drunk (or stoned, for that matter), I always end up wanting to hear cold black metal or funeral doom... I can't stand melody when I'm whacked out of my head.

Come to think of it, I don't think I've listened to "Kill 'Em All" in 5 years. I know I have it on cassette somewheres...
Erik said:
Eh, I neither like drugs nor progressive rock, but I haven't tried either. Preconceptions rule.
*pictures Erik with hippie beard wearing purple tye dye pants and a Genesis shirt at 30*
Hmmm... well, the two don't really have to go hand in hand. Weed is nowhere near as nasty-bad as most folks (who've never done it) would have you believe. I would never do any other drugs, though. Maybe acid or shrooms once or twice. And progressive music only rules when it was done RIGHT (i.e. early 70s).

By the way, do you recognize my avatar? Being from Sweden and all...
Erik said:
Oh, and a heads-up: your user title doesn't make sense. Might be the character limit, yes? "Från klarhet till klarhet" is a valid sentence and looks better than what you have now, which is missing the last letter. Might be some exceedingly clever pun I'm too dumb to get though.
You're right. The last 't' did not fit and I just now noticed it.

NAD: don't laugh. That will be me in 11 years.
Snowblind does have a melancholy tinge to it, especially towards the end, but this might have been accidental (Ozzy once said that things rarely went according to plan in Sabbath), especially with the defiant uptempo bridge and their massive drug consumption at the time. And BWD is right about prog, especially space rock, being prime drug music...
I tried to find Anekdoten a few times, couldn't. Anglagard seems to always get mentioned in the same sentence as Anekdoten, but I'm more interested in Anek than Angla what with all the 70s-era King Crimson comparisons.

BWD: Dude that's you NOW. :p
I'll admit to discovering bands like Camel, Porcupine Tree, and the eternally linked Angladoten and Anekgard through Opeth (and their forum back when it had some useful information), though my current repsect for them goes beyond just appreciating their influence on Akerfeldt. NAD: The other Swedish prog band discussed here also has some Crimsonesque moments...
Demonspell said:
Angladoten and Anekgard
That's REALLY gonna help me distinguish the two bands, I already confuse the two enough! :loco:

If I find one I'll look for the other. They seem to be pretty hard to find, no?
I get the same whenever I'm drunk, doesn't matter if I'm alone or not. Or if I'm sober, sometimes. I rip out Testament, Destruction, Maiden and MetallicA and slam those knees as hard as I can, band my head as if up from the dead and yell along in the wrong key.

back on topic: MetallicA. I'm a maiden n00b or they'd probably be here too. DMDS.
NAD said:
Honestly I think anything with a direct relation to blues has the best shelf-life, something about it being so simple and just groove oriented. Stoner has the best metal correlation to blues as far as I'm concerned, I've been listening to Corrosion of Conformity, Black Sabbath, and Monster Magnet for years and always pull a Beavis and Butt-head "YESTH!" when I spin those discs, no matter my mood.

Also, Led Zeppelin. I never get tired of them. Highly blues-based, obviously.
I agree :) shouldn't have bothered reading the rest of the thread now really :loco: