George Bush is a prude.

Dr.TEETH said:
I agree with the common sense statement.
For starters, wouldn't it be sensible if we all stopped politicallly labeling each other????? Why can't a person can't be a free thinker, and not be a part of some "political gang". It does nothing but divide people. Some people who take politics too seriously become obnoxious. The most obnoxious thing that I have ever seen was during the Bush vs. Kerry election coverage on Fox News last year. Michael Moore was a guest on Bill O'Reilly's talk show, and of course they argued. At first they were arguing about important subjects, like the war, tax cuts, and privacy issues, but sooner than later, the interview became an insult match (you're a liberal this/you're a conservative that). It was hard to believe that two middle-aged men arguing like children, was on a supposed news channel. I thought both guys were jerks, and if they represent the idealogy of our political choices.....we're doomed. :erk:

True, luckily those two are not thinkers only messengers (maybe they are thinkers on a private level).
ThraxDude said:
Don't blame Bush. Blame terrorism.

That is by far the most tired excuse of them all. Before September 11, terrorism was out there but not as heavily emphasised nor as heavily executed for that matter. Call me a conspiracy theorist but I sincerely believe that all this shit about Al Qaieda and September 11 was nothing more than the product of a hidden agenda and I know I'm not the only one who thinks this. There have been far too many coincidences, including the bombing in Bali which took place at a time when our Australian prime minster was umm'ing and ahh'ing and when the Australian public as a whole was saying "We have nothing to do with Iraq. Leave our troops here prime minister!"

I'll blame Bush, his administration and the puppeteers pulling Bush's strings, not the terrorists. And no, I'm not a hippy - in fact, far from it. I drive a gas guzzling V8, I couldn't give a shit for recycling and I am making the most of my time on this planet by listening to metal, checking out Anthrax live amongst others and travelling the world working at the Olympics. I just have a hard time letting such comments slip by sometimes. :hotjump:
Fair enough. You are correct. I am talking "political" and you are talking "scientific". It doesn't change the fact that I think it's ok to teach that creation is a theory. I don't think that the government should "force" (as you put it) schools to teach it, but I do think that some schools should be "allowed" to teach it. As it stands, it is not allowed.
But then, that's just my opinion.

I follow the old saying, "When you take God out of the schools, you let the devil in" :grin:

The "Christian Right" may be going too far trying to put religion INTO the schools and society, but the ACLU is going WAY too far trying to take religion OUT of schools and society....i.e. - trying to get the Pledge of Allegiance outlawed in schools because it has the word "God" in it.......OH MY GOD! MY RIGHTS HAVE BEEN VIOLATED AND I'M SCARRED FOR LIFE!!!!
For Christ's sake, if you don't want to say the word "God" then don't freakin' say it......Stop getting your panties in a bunch.
There should be some common sense ground that we can all agree on.

If children are ordered to say it in a school, it's not a pledge. I don't see why Republicans love the pledge anyway.

What's Conservative about the Pledge of Allegiance?

Perhaps you'd like it if we just made kids pledge that there is no god? No? Well, now you see our point.