George Bush is a prude.


Sep 11, 2005
We music fans should be paying closer attention to what the Bush Administration is doing. Music and Art are a form of expression. Certain artists who express themselves are finding themselves at the recieving end of G.W.'s wrath. As you Big City folks may remember, when Howard Stern spoke out againt Bush on the radio, he was silenced. He was silenced by Clear Channel Communications, a major Republican contributer and business partners with Bush. Also, when th Dixie Chicks criticized the war, Clear Channel banned their records from the airwaves, and fired a few DJ's who dared to play their songs. That ought to scare the hell out of any artist who expresses their counter-culture views. Look out folks, George W. Boss Man is still in power.
Actually if you look into it, it's the Democrats that are almost allways the ones responsible for the bullshit censorship issues.
KY_Fried442 said:
Actually if you look into it, it's the Democrats that are almost allways the ones responsible for the bullshit censorship issues.

Awww!!! The govt. is out to get us!!! Awwww!!! :yell: They're gonna censor us!!! They're gonna take away our privacy!! AWWW!!!

I'm glad I don't live in fear like most left wingers. Damn hippies.
"Hippies, Hippies everywhere. All they talk about is saving the world, but all they do is smoke pot and smell bad."

---Eric Cartman---

Thank you for saying that the Clinton Administration was just as crooked. People seem to forget that his administration was just as bad too. Lets drop a few bombs on an aspirin factory because I'm trying to cover up messing around with some fat chick. Or lets cut spending on the military. Which has led to poorly made vehicles that has greatly put the lives of our soldiers at risk. Some of my buddies being some of those troopers. Everyone seems to think so highly of Clinton nowadays and I don't know why, yet people think Bush is the anti-christ? I don't think Bush is the greatest and there are alot of things he could be doing better, but lets see a liberal do a better job of running the country. Hardworking people who bust their ass would probably be forced to give up their pay so some fuckup crackhead could get a car. Or because of the liberals, a hard working dude who is the best at his job would lose it because of affirmative action. B.S. I say, whoever is the best for the job should get it. I am Mexican, so don't be saying I'm some rightest imbreed hick. If you want something in this world you gotta earn it yourself, don't let the color of your skin determine if you should be lazy. Thats one thing I hate the liberals for, they base alot of their rhetoric on the color of your skin. My tata (grandfather) never got a damn cent from welfare and there was no affirmative action back when he was working back in the day and he got by just fine. Raised a damn good family too. People are just lazy nowadays. Yet, I understand some people still face racism and cannot get a job because people are racist basturds, but for the majority of my generation they just a bunch of lazy asses. I apologize for my little rant, but that's one of the problems I have with liberals. Put the blame on everyone but yourselves. That and the chaos down in New Orleans is not just Bush's fault. It's the Feds, State, local government's fault. Everyone has a partial blame in this, not just one political puppet. That and fuck Kanye West's comment!!!!!!! So anyway, fuck Clinton and the liberals, they are no better than Bush.
Who cares about Clinton?? He's old news. He's been out of office for five years.
I'm not talking in terms Democrat vs. Republican, Left vs. Right, etc. I'm talking about here and now. Bush is in office now, and has been criminalizing works of art. Not only has he attacked my main man Stern, but he also jailed Tommy Chong, of the comic duo Cheech and Chong. To explain, G.W. Bush appointed a man named John Ashcroft to the position of Attorney General, who in turn had Chong arrested for possession of drug paraphenelia. To be fair, he was committing a crime by selling bongs across state borders, but how they used evidence against him was itself illegal. They used the movies that he made in the 70's as evidence of his guilt. Making Stoner Movies is not a crime that I have ever heard of.
At about the same time Ashcroft prosecuted a married couple who were making porn movies in California and selling them to people in Pennsylvania. Pornography is not illegal in Cali or Penn, but the Boss Man went after them anyway. Thank goodness that a Judge in Pittsburgh understood the definition of free speech and found them not guilty. Ashcroft is now gone (thank your lucky freedom stars), but Bush is still allowing his goons to invade our privacy. My point is that we need start resisting these Book Burners. To quote Anthrax's "Starting Up a Posse"....."Something that offends you... may not be offensive to me".

By the way, the whole "I'm an ass-kicking Conservative and I hate hippies", or "I'm a city slicking Liberal and I hate Rednecks" argument that has been going around for the last few years is getting old. It's childish and idiotic. If you pledge blind allegience to either're a MORON.
Dr.TEETH said:
We music fans should be paying closer attention to what the Bush Administration is doing. Music and Art are a form of expression. Certain artists who express themselves are finding themselves at the recieving end of G.W.'s wrath. As you Big City folks may remember, when Howard Stern spoke out againt Bush on the radio, he was silenced. He was silenced by Clear Channel Communications, a major Republican contributer and business partners with Bush. Also, when th Dixie Chicks criticized the war, Clear Channel banned their records from the airwaves, and fired a few DJ's who dared to play their songs. That ought to scare the hell out of any artist who expresses their counter-culture views. Look out folks, George W. Boss Man is still in power.

Maybe it is you that needs to be paying closer attention.
If you knew anything about anything, you could be dangerous.

First of all, "artists" have the right to "express" themselves all they want, but they do not "have the right" to be heard.
What Howard Stern did was against FCC violations (laws put in place long before Bush was around)....and it had NOTHING to do with anything about Bush. It had to do with the sexual content of his show. It was the second time that Clear Channel had been fined by the FCC. After the second $495,000 fine, Clear Channel decided to pull his show from their 6 stations that carried him. That was a sound BUSINESS DECISION. Stern was costing CC a shitload of money with his antics. That is not GW's "wrath". That is violating FCC rules.
If Stern was being "silenced", as you put it, Bush would have taken him off the air. As it was, when CC dumped Stern, competing stations across town picked his show up. How is that being silenced?

Also, when the Dixie Chicks decided to go on foreign soil and bad mouth the USA and the President, they cut their own throat. CC didn't "ban their records from the airwaves"......they sat back and took a beating from their listeners, like me, that called and said they would never listen to their station again......or let their children listen to their station again.......if they heard the Dixie Chicks on them. CC again made a sound BUSINESS DECISION to not play the Dixie Chicks because their listeners did NOT want to hear them. You have obviously never run a business.

When Stern gets silenced when on Satellite Radio (which is not subject to the FCC) then come back with your whining. Just because Stern gets fired, don't get all paranoid and think that Bush is coming for us all.

Lighten up and put some soothing Anthrax on.
You may have a valid argument, but the truth will come out when Stern writes his next book.
If I'm paranoid about Bush attacking the Entertainment Industry, how would U explain the situation with Chong and the Porn Company that were on trial in Pittsburgh?
Congress is now going after cable television with some Indecency Bill, as well. The vote was almost anominous, with only 2 Democrats dissenting.

"something that offends you... may not be offensive to me"
here's something for you: BOTH PARTIES SUCK. And Unfortunate for america, our political system and country are so re-fucking-tarded that no 3rd party candidates have even a SLIVER of a chance. Clinton may have been bad, but we had a fucking surpluss(sp?) because of the moves he made. This country is in THE MOST DEBT IT'S EVER BEEN IN, and for you people trying to defend him, the BIGGEST PERCENTAGE OF DEBT EVER. All because of his little quest to claim oil, and fight his father's lost war. Bush now has the power to put any man in jail, evidenceless, if he can come up with some bullshit excuse that "he was aiding the terrorists". It's true folks, the man has become a dictator.....he put a man in jail in 2003 because they said he was supposedly scheming with an al qaida member to bomb apartment buildings. At the time, their excuse for method was "dirty bombs" now they say flooding it with natural gas. This man who was put in jail was an AMERICAN CITIZEN, and they arrested him WITH NO TRIAL, ON AMERICAN SOIL. THIS is what our country is coming to, and I, for one, do not like what I see.

EDIT: here's the story, and link

By Jerry Markon
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, September 10, 2005; Page A01

A federal appeals court yesterday backed the president's power to indefinitely detain a U.S. citizen captured on U.S. soil without any criminal charges, holding that such authority is vital during wartime to protect the nation from terrorist attacks.

The ruling, by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit, came in the case of Jose Padilla, a former gang member and U.S. citizen arrested in Chicago in 2002 and a month later designated an "enemy combatant" by President Bush. The government contends that Padilla trained at al Qaeda camps and was planning to blow up apartment buildings in the United States. Padilla has been held without trial in a U.S. naval brig for more than three years, and his case has ignited a fierce battle over the balance between civil liberties and the government's power to fight terrorism since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. A host of civil liberties groups and former attorney general Janet Reno weighed in on Padilla's behalf, calling his detention illegal and arguing that the president does not have unchecked power to lock up U.S. citizens indefinitely.

Federal prosecutors asserted that Bush not only had the authority to detain Padilla but also that such power is essential to preventing terrorist strikes. In its ruling yesterday, the three-judge panel overturned a lower court.

A congressional resolution passed after Sept. 11 "provided the President all powers necessary and appropriate to protect American citizens from terrorist attacks," the decision said. "Those powers include the power to detain identified and committed enemies such as Padilla, who associated with al Qaeda . . . who took up arms against this Nation in its war against these enemies, and who entered the United States for the avowed purpose of further prosecuting that war by attacking American citizens."

Padilla is one of two U.S. citizens held as enemy combatants since the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon. The other, Yaser Esam Hamdi, was released and flown to Saudi Arabia last year after the Supreme Court upheld the government's power to detain him but said he could challenge that detention in U.S. courts.

Legal experts were closely watching the Padilla case because of a key difference between the two: Hamdi was captured on a battlefield in Afghanistan with forces loyal to that country's former Taliban rulers, and Padilla was arrested in the United States.

Legal experts said the debate is likely to reach the Supreme Court. Andrew Patel, an attorney for Padilla, said he might appeal directly to the Supreme Court or first ask the entire 4th Circuit to review the decision. "We're very disappointed," he said.

The ruling limits the president's power to detain Padilla to the duration of hostilities against al Qaeda, but the Bush administration has said that war could go on indefinitely.

The decision reignited the passions triggered by Padilla's arrest at O'Hare International Airport in May 2002.

Attorney General Alberto Gonzales hailed the ruling as reaffirming "the president's critical authority to detain enemy combatants who take up arms on behalf of al Qaeda."

Richard A. Samp, chief counsel for the Washington Legal Foundation, a conservative public-interest law firm, said the court "gave the government needed flexibility in dealing with the war on terrorism. You can't treat every terrorist as though they are just another criminal defendant."

But Avidan Cover, a senior associate at Human Rights First, said the ruling "really flies in the face of our understanding of what rights American citizens are entitled to." Opponents have warned that if not constrained by the courts, Padilla's detention could lead to the military being allowed to hold anyone who, for example, checks out what the government considers the wrong kind of reading materials from the library.

The 4th Circuit decision could also play a role in the debate over whom President Bush will nominate to the Supreme Court seat to be vacated by Justice Sandra Day O'Connor. The decision was written by Judge J. Michael Luttig, a favorite of conservative groups who is considered to be among the leading candidates for the nomination. He was joined in the ruling by judges William B. Traxler Jr. and M. Blane Michael, both Clinton administration appointees.

Sean Rushton, executive director of the conservative Committee for Justice, which was formed to support Bush's judicial nominees, said he doubted that Luttig's ruling would affect his chances. He pointed out that Luttig has issued strongly pro-government decisions in other terrorism cases since Sept. 11, including in the prosecution of convicted conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui.

"I'm not sure that we really knew anything new about Michael Luttig from this case," Rushton said.

But Cover said groups opposed to a potential Luttig nomination will carefully review the decision. "This gives our group, and I think many others, very serious concerns about his views on civil liberties and presidential powers," Cover said.

The government originally described Padilla as plotting with al Qaeda to detonate a radioactive "dirty bomb" but has since focused on allegations that he planned to blow up apartment buildings by filling them with natural gas. Prosecutors told the 4th Circuit that he worked with such senior al Qaeda leaders as former operations chief Khalid Sheik Mohammed on that plan.
Dr.TEETH said:
You may have a valid argument, but the truth will come out when Stern writes his next book.
If I'm paranoid about Bush attacking the Entertainment Industry, how would U explain the situation with Chong and the Porn Company that were on trial in Pittsburgh?
Congress is now going after cable television with some Indecency Bill, as well. The vote was almost anominous, with only 2 Democrats dissenting.

"something that offends you... may not be offensive to me"

Very simple.

Once you do business across state lines, it becomes "interstate commerce" and is no longer a state is a federal issue and is subject to federal laws. There are bills in congress now that are addressing this issue with regards to taxing interstate commerce over the internet, but for now, what Tommy Chong did was illegal. The President doesn't MAKE law, he ENFORCES it. Congress will need to change the laws. Chong didn't get the minimum sentence, nor did he get the maximum sentence, but he did break the law as it is written today......laws that were written by Democrats prior to 1994.

Now I disagree with regulating cable and satellite. If I see that congress successfully implements "censoring" (within reason) on cable/satellite, then I will happily and aggressively join you.
For now, there is no credible threat of any of this.

Any thought that Bush is taking over the world is just paranoia.
#1_Droogie said:
.....he put a man in jail in 2003 because they said he was supposedly scheming with an al qaida member to bomb apartment buildings. At the time, their excuse for method was "dirty bombs" now they say flooding it with natural gas. This man who was put in jail was an AMERICAN CITIZEN, and they arrested him WITH NO TRIAL, ON AMERICAN SOIL. THIS is what our country is coming to, and I, for one, do not like what I see.

Ah yes....the wonderful "huffingtonpost"....Ariana Huffington, a beacon of intelligence.

I'm glad to hear that you would like to see Jose Padilla roaming the streets. Something tells me that you wouldn't let your family hang around that guy.
Although you shouldn't worry about him, he wouldn't waste his time sawing off your head because he's got bigger plans for more significant people.

Jose Padilla is a TERRORIST. Yes, he was an "American Citizen", but we didn't pluck him out of his house while he was watching American Idol and playing with his kids. He had been living in Pakistan and training with Al Qaida. We nabbed him off a plane coming from Pakistan. We have the evidence, but cannot release how we got it. We DEFINITELY should be able to hold him.

You see....if you would learn something about the way the world works, you would know that the CIA has a shitload of information that we get from foreign sources....and why do we get it?.....because we keep it to ourselves.
In this case, Pakistan alerted us to Padilla getting on a plane to come here. They gave us alot of information on Padilla that corraborated what we had already.
Now you want us to release this information so that we can "provide evidence" to hold him. I've got news for you. Pakistan has already told us that they do not want to be involved. They WILL NOT come over here to the trial and testify against Padilla. In turn, we cannot release that information for the protection of our informants overseas.
If we release that information, we can forget EVER getting any more info from our foreign agents in foreign countries. That would be disastrous.

Stop being paranoid how Bush is taking over the world!!!
Get your head out of the Huffington Post, do your homework, stop drinking the Kool-Aid, and start taking this war on terror seriously.

We in America are too concerned with instant gratification. Let me tell you, the terrorists will wait generations for their chance to strike. The 9-11 attacks weren't planned overnight. They took over 10 years to implement. They are here. They want to kill YOU and your family. They believe that you WILL convert to Islam or they are to "take knives to their necks" as directed by Muhammed himself.

Quit with this delusional crap about Bush being the worst thing that ever happened. We heard the same crap about Reagan and ALL of the horror stories never came true.

Get a life, live it to it's fullest, stop worrying about the government coming over to your house and throwing you in jail and taking all your Anthrax CDs, it ain't gonna happen.....except maybe them taking your Antrax CDs.

p.s. - John Bush Rules!
Very simple.

Once you do business across state lines, it becomes "interstate commerce" and is no longer a state is a federal issue and is subject to federal laws. There are bills in congress now that are addressing this issue with regards to taxing interstate commerce over the internet, but for now, what Tommy Chong did was illegal. The President doesn't MAKE law, he ENFORCES it. Congress will need to change the laws. Chong didn't get the minimum sentence, nor did he get the maximum sentence, but he did break the law as it is written today......laws that were written by Democrats prior to 1994.

Now I disagree with regulating cable and satellite. If I see that congress successfully implements "censoring" (within reason) on cable/satellite, then I will happily and aggressively join you.
For now, there is no credible threat of any of this.

Any thought that Bush is taking over the world is just paranoia.

here's the news article about whole porno thing:

Porn Arrests in Pittsburgh 'Won't Be the Last,' Dept. of Justice says
By Bill Fancher
August 14, 2003

(AgapePress) - Attorney General John Ashcroft's office has recently issued a series of indictments recently against pornography producers. It is something many conservative critics have been calling for over the past few months.

Two California pornographers were indicted last week by a federal grand jury in Pittsburgh on charges of selling obscene videotapes. Authorities said the case was the beginning of a crackdown on obscene material sold throughout the U.S. Andrew Oosterbaan, chief of the Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section at the U.S. Justice Department, told the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette the indictment is not the first and it won't be the last, adding that more can be expected in the next several months.

Virginia Republican Randy Forbes has been fighting for a crackdown on the porn industry since his arrival on Capitol Hill. Forbes, a Christian lawmaker, recently challenged the attorney general in a letter to take more action against pornography and those who produce it.

The congressman says he believes Christian values are worth fighting for. "When you go to work, you recognize just how fragile this whole concept of democracy really is around the world -- and if we go to sleep and we're not vigilant, anything can happen," he says.

"We think we're fighting a battle for our values and our beliefs -- and that if we continue to cling to them, they will keep us as strong as they have [over the years]," the lawmaker says. "That's what we believe we need to be doing every day."

Forbes says he will continue to push for more pornography prosecutions as long as he remains in Congress.

The announcement of a series of porn indictments was welcomed by Patrick McGrath of the advocacy group Morality in Media. "It's terrific news, and this is the proverbial 'first step in a journey of a thousand miles.'" he says.

McGrath says a crackdown on the porn industry has been needed for a long time. "We're glad it's starting, and we're hoping to see more in the near future."

Critics claim both the "little guy" and the "big guy" porn operations need to feel the brunt of the law since pornography is the common link among rape, pedophilia, and other sex-abuse crimes.

According to the Los Angeles Times, the 10-count indictment in Pittsburgh against Robert D. Zicari and his wife Janet Romano set off "a wave of anxiety" at adult-entertainment companies in California's San Fernando Valley, which is considered the capital of the multibillion-dollar pornography industry in the United States.

Zicari and Romano are scheduled for arraignment before a federal magistrate in Pittsburgh on August 27. They face maximum prison sentences of 50 years.


You're right about the interstate commerce thing, but this is more than just commerce. This is a political movement by the Christian Republicans who put Bush in office after he wowed them with his Born-Again rhetoric. And he caters to their every request, as he does when he suggests putting religion into biology books, and changing the constitution about some marriage crap.
This isn't a Democrat vs. Republican rant. The politicians can argue back and forth about the budget and economy all day long. We citizens are better off, when they argue each other into a compromise. This is a freedom of speech rant. Beware of Bossman Bush and the American Taliban.

I'll look up the the details of the Tommy Chong trial, and post them later.
But I'm pretty sure that the Prosecuter used the contents of his movies with Cheech as a consideration to harden his sentence.
First off, Bush doesn't do everything the "Christian Right" says, otherwise, there would be NO abortions (a view that Bush doesn't subscribe to), NO pornography, NO gay unions whatsoever, you would have Christian icons allowed in all buildings, etc..... As proof of this, how do you explain BUSH allowing the 10 Commandments to be taken out of a courthouse in Alabama over the STRONG objection of the "Christian Right"......again, you're just paranoid.

John Ashcroft?....I'll give that to you. He may have been a "prude", but he's not the Attorney General anymore. That may be why. You haven't heard a peep about any of this kind of stuff in a long time since he's been stop you're worrying. Bush isn't pursuing ANY of this and congress isn't very aggressive on it either. Look at the date of your own article. It was over 2 years ago.....and nothing since then.

Bush is against changing the definition of "marriage" and I agree. Like me, Bush is ok with gays having "civil unions". There is NO reason why gays MUST have it called "marriage". What the gays want is equal rights when it comes to "spousal benefits", "hospital visitation", etc.....they can have ALL THE BENEFITS that come with marriage without making us change the definition of marriage.
There is a VERY good reason that he wants, dare I say, MUST make a constitutional amendment outlawing gay "marriage". The gay movement is trying to pull a fast one on the American public. Right now, they say that "it's a state's issue"....(first time I've seen liberal actually invoke the 10th amendment).....but there's a dirty little secret. If a gay couple gets married in a state that allows gay marriage, and then they move to a state that DOESN'T allow gay marriage, there's a little-known part of the Constitution called the "Full Faith and Credit Clause" that would force the state that doesn't allow gay marriage to recognize the gay marriage of that couple. Then each state would be forced to recognize gay "marriage" when the people of that state don't want it........

Bush doesn't think that "religion should be put in biology books"....he believes that "creation" should be taught as a theory, just as the THEORY of "evolution" is taught in school. He doesn't say it should be taught as fact, just as another theory that people (most people) believe in.

As far as Tommy Chong, it DOES have to do with "a" movie, but it has nothing to do with using his past movies as evidence in his you have suggested. During the trial, Tommy (although he blatantly broke the law) laughed about it and said that he should use this situation in his next movie. The prosecutor took this as Tommy not taking the charge seriously and having such a cavalier attitude towards breaking these laws (just as he WAS doing). In the end, Tommy did not get the minimum sentence, nor did he get the maximum sentence. I believe he got 9 months and no fine instead of 10 years with a "6 figure" fine.

Oh...and by the way....if Bush were equal to the American Taliban, you wouldn't be posting anything here anymore....and Anthrax wouldn't be putting out any heavy metal. :headbang:

Rock on!
The Supreme Court has big impact on all this. Let's see who actually becomes the next two Justices then we'll see where the country goes in regard to women's rights, gays, etc.