Is Bush really serious?!

Krilons Resa

Jerry's married?!
Nov 7, 2002
Inside dorian's gym bag.
WTF is going on here?!?! The nerve?!

US soldiers in Iraq asked to pray for Bush

They may be the ones facing danger on the battlefield, but US soldiers in Iraq are being asked to pray for President George W Bush.

Thousands of marines have been given a pamphlet called "A Christian's Duty," a mini prayer book which includes a tear-out section to be mailed to the White House pledging the soldier who sends it in has been praying for Bush.

"I have committed to pray for you, your family, your staff and our troops during this time of uncertainty and tumult. May God's peace be your guide," says the pledge, according to a journalist embedded with coalition forces.

The pamphlet, produced by a group called In Touch Ministries, offers a daily prayer to be made for the US president, a born-again Christian who likes to invoke his God in speeches.

Sunday's is "Pray that the President and his advisers will seek God and his wisdom daily and not rely on their own understanding".

Monday's reads "Pray that the President and his advisers will be strong and courageous to do what is right regardless of critics".
That's dumb. I guess it's the group In Touch Ministries handing out the pamphlets?

My favorite Christian pamphlet I have seen is GOD DOES NOT HAVE A LAST NAME! :tickled:
J. said:
Kerry isn't the great savior. But he is the lesser of the two evils.
None of you will be saying that when taxes increase as dramatically as they're going to - mostly affecting the middle classes, btw - gas prices continue to climb, and we skyrocket right back to the late '70s. I'm no avid Bush supporter, believe me, but once again, we are in a "rock-n-hard place" spot politically. There are just no good people/leaders to put in the white house.

Kerry's an ass too.
I've always wondered why America, with it's stupid population, stupid politics and stupid politicians, is the country that gets to run most of the world... Oh, wait, I forgot... You've got the guns.
Stupid money too.

The problem with being the hegemon is that there's no place else to go except down. I wouldn't be surprised if in the next 50 years the US was not the dominant country, especially with the growth and (gradual) merging of the EU.
markgugs said:
None of you will be saying that when taxes increase as dramatically as they're going to - mostly affecting the middle classes, btw - gas prices continue to climb, and we skyrocket right back to the late '70s.
Or when terrorist cells start to re-organize both phyisically and politically and once again dominate governments who are sympathetic to their causes, causing fear among the people those governments lead, as well as among the people of the countries these cells target as their enemies in the name of their radical intrepretations of religion.
markgugs said:
None of you will be saying that when taxes increase as dramatically as they're going to - mostly affecting the middle classes, btw - gas prices continue to climb, and we skyrocket right back to the late '70s. I'm no avid Bush supporter, believe me, but once again, we are in a "rock-n-hard place" spot politically. There are just no good people/leaders to put in the white house.

Kerry's an ass too.
Well, if we go by what Bush and Kerry are saying in campaign speeches, Kerry is definitely the better guy. However, since those speeches are 99% bullshit, that doesn't give us much to go on.

I don't think taxes will increase as much as Bushie says they will if Kerry wins, especially since Kerry is championing less gov't spending. And since he's not an avid supporter of our occupation of Iraq, (which is another plus) I definitely see this as a good thing. But we've got to remember, higher taxes means more services which equal MORE JOBS, of which over 2 million have been lost since Bushie took office. And if Bush wins, even more will be lost because Bush is a puppet of corporations and supports outsourcing of white collar jobs. Kerry doesn't support outsourcing. That 300,000 jobs posted last month was bunk, everyone knows it. It was probably because Wal-Mart opened up another super-store somewhere.

Not to mention Bush has put America so in debt that my kid's kid's kid's will probably owe around $20,000 the moment they are born.

Do I even need to go into the whole thing about Bush sending young men to die for his own profit?

Kerry may be an ass, but Bush has sold out America.

I think I'll vote for the ass.
Dark One said:
Or when terrorist cells start to re-organize both phyisically and politically and once again dominate governments who are sympathetic to their causes, causing fear among the people those governments lead, as well as among the people of the countries these cells target as their enemies in the name of their radical intrepretations of religion.
OK, so what's worse. Terrorists causing fear in their enemies? Or the gov't of these enemies (the US) using that fear for their own political gain? (i.e. terror alert levels, the Patriot Act, the gradual erosion of our civil rights, etc)
J. said:
OK, so what's worse. Terrorists causing fear in their enemies? Or the gov't of these enemies (the US) using that fear for their own political gain? (i.e. terror alert levels, the Patriot Act, the gradual erosion of our civil rights, etc)
Okay, you've given me a choice. I'll call your reasoning choice B and my reasoning choice A. In my eyes, choice A is far worse. Particularly because terrorists use murder and other extreme methods to instill that fear.

I don't accept your reasoning as fact, but if I did, I'd STILL say choice A is worse.

Also, there isn't a politician alive who doesn't use leveraging for political gain. It's just as bad on the left side of the fence as it is on the right, so don't give me that B.S. as a legitimate reason to swing one way or the other.
j., you've never made me want to ejaculate more than you are now.

dark one: so you REALLY think that a pseudo-fanatic christian with ambiguous good guy/bad guy propaganda, who spends future social security money on a violent, no-way-to-win war that is self-serving and has dubious origins, who buffers big business economically while allowing unemployment to rise to unprecedented heights, who eschews the conservation of the environment, who has a zealous fascination with eradicating anything the public would consider "immoral" from a christian viewpoint, who was quoted as saying that "i don't consider atheists as citizens of the u.s.", who has let education funding slip in favor of war and corporate profit, who has a video of himself making a comedy of the lack of success of the war in iraq, who has a history of drug use, who didn't go to viet nam, who makes an appeal to the moral right to pray for him, who had prior knowledge of september 11th and did nothing about it, who diverted attention from osama bin laden to iraq for no reason, who calls out to criticizers of his regime as a "traitor" and "un-patriotic", who has even been suspected to have family ties to the bin laden family, who promised to cut government spending and taxation and did the opposite... should take precedence over someone with a clean slate?
Fair enough, but in my eyes, Bush took it to the extreme. The Patriot Act DOES take away some of our civil rights. Agents at airports can now just search anything and everything. The People's voice has been taken away. Protesting the President is a thing of the past. Now protesters have to congregate on a street corner five miles away to protest, where their voice won't be heard, all in the name of "security". Bullshit.

Ironic isn't it, a country that was founded by protest has now nearly outlawed it.

Besides, Bush has had four years to prove he's a good President. What has he done that has had a positive impact on this country? Please tell me. He's waged an illegal war. He's ruined the economy (that thrived under Clinton, a democrat). He's cut international ties, etc.

Oh, but he's saved us all thanks to his tax cut that put an extra $300 in my pocket, that incidentally has been wiped out by high gas prices that his administration is doing nothing to stop.

It astounds me that no one has called for an impeachment of Bush. We were all ready to sent Clinton to SIng-Sing for getting a blowjob and then lying about it. But now we have a President that has tossed all international law aside, taken away civil rights, indirectly murdered thousands, and he's a hero. How sad we are...

I'm not saying Kerry is our answer to everything, but it is a step in the right direction.