Is Bush really serious?!

Black Winter Day said:
j., you've never made me want to ejaculate more than you are now.
Me neither, but it's his new signature really, I keep getting a boner because of it. :Spin:

I give no credit to Bush, Ashcroft, or the Patriot Act for hindering terrorism. Reason being is that terrorism is an individual basis, and the only reason we don't see suicide bombers over here every other day is because they are not here. I cannot tell you how many areas I have been in that have done NOTHING to check for guns/bombs/whatever including LAX (you know, that bigass airport that everyone panicks over all the time). I went to pick up some friends there just a few short months after 9/11 with NO plates (just bought it, dealer plates still on it), and nobody checked the inside of my truck when I parked it there for an hour. Could've been a pipe bomb or 17 in there, and nobody would have known until they saw the evening news and wondered what that crater was in the middle of Los Angeles.

Besides, the only way to stop terrorism on a major scale is to stop supporting Israel. :wave:
Black Winter Day said:
j., you've never made me want to ejaculate more than you are now.

dark one: so you REALLY think that a pseudo-fanatic christian with ambiguous good guy/bad guy propaganda, who spends future social security money on a violent, no-way-to-win war that is self-serving and has dubious origins, who buffers big business economically while allowing unemployment to rise to unprecedented heights, who eschews the conservation of the environment, who has a zealous fascination with eradicating anything the public would consider "immoral" from a christian viewpoint, who was quoted as saying that "i don't consider atheists as citizens of the u.s.", who has let education funding slip in favor of war and corporate profit, who has a video of himself making a comedy of the lack of success of the war in iraq, who has a history of drug use, who didn't go to viet nam, who makes an appeal to the moral right to pray for him, who had prior knowledge of september 11th and did nothing about it, who diverted attention from osama bin laden to iraq for no reason, who calls out to criticizers of his regime as a "traitor" and "un-patriotic", who has even been suspected to have family ties to the bin laden family, who promised to cut government spending and taxation and did the opposite... should take precedence over someone with a clean slate?
BWD, using big words doesn't make you right, just an FYI for ya there bub. 4 out of 5 things you've written there are either assumptions or spin-doctored to fit your needs.

As I said earlier, I'm **not** a Bush-supporter, but I don't see how Kerry is the answer.
And another thing, what makes y'all so sure Bush is going to lose?

He's still firmly entrenched in the south and midwest and controls (most likely) about 40-45% of the electoral college. There are about 20% open to "swinging" either way, which means Kerry is going to have to do a bang-up job in those states. It's certainly not going to be easy and by no means is he a shoe-in.
markgugs said:
No, seriously. He's got a big mountain to climb, and has to win Florida to have ANY chance at all of dethroning Bush. We all know what happened last time when it came down to Florida.
Oh I know. It'll probably be another down to the last vote like in 2000. Florida is going to be watched with a periscope, and no network is going to predict ANYTHING, it's going to be a great night for television. :heh:
"has a history of drug use" - come on, do I need to go into this?

"buffers big business economically while allowing unemployment to rise to unprecedented heights" - every Republican buffers big business, it's part of what they believe in; as for unemployment, it's at its lowest national rate (5.7% btw) in well over 5-6 years now.

"who has a zealous fascination with eradicating anything the public would consider 'immoral' from a christian viewpoint" - again, in fairness, this is not just him but the insanely far Christian right (i.e. Ashcroft, etc.). They've always been there, it's just now he's allowing them to have a voice. Here's hoping that changes.

"who makes an appeal to the moral right to pray for him" - this was a 3rd-party Christian coalition making the appeal, not Bush himself.

"who had prior knowledge of september 11th and did nothing about it" - Condoneeza Rice's loophole-filled testimonies aside, where is the actual proof of this? It's all smoke, mirrors and more smoke.

That's just some. My point being is that it's easy to manipulate events to support a passionate belief, in this case, your belief that Bush is the most god-awful President we've ever had. He's not, btw, and there will be worse to come I'm sure.
While I agree with a lot of your laundry list BWD, I'm going with Mark that much of it is speculation. And yeah, leave the drugs alone man, I'd prefer my public leaders to have had an actual life in their younger days. :loco:
**"buffers big business economically while allowing unemployment to rise to unprecedented heights" - every Republican buffers big business, it's part of what they believe in; as for unemployment, it's at its lowest national rate (5.7% btw) in well over 5-6 years now.**

unemployment: wartime economy, remember? or have you been watching FOX News? :grin:
and no, maybe it's not bush himself that i despise, it is the effects of Mass Consumer Capitalism that i loathe the most... bush, like most know, is just a marionette of big business.

**"who has a zealous fascination with eradicating anything the public would consider 'immoral' from a christian viewpoint" - again, in fairness, this is not just him but the insanely far Christian right (i.e. Ashcroft, etc.). They've always been there, it's just now he's allowing them to have a voice. Here's hoping that changes.**

damn right. if you were from the south, you'd understand my hatred for the "moral" right even more.

**"who makes an appeal to the moral right to pray for him" - this was a 3rd-party Christian coalition making the appeal, not Bush himself.**

my apologies. but are they not in the same boat?

**"who had prior knowledge of september 11th and did nothing about it" - Condoneeza Rice's loophole-filled testimonies aside, where is the actual proof of this? It's all smoke, mirrors and more smoke.**

if condaleeza rice is an example of bush's appointment skills, then something is wrong. if the white house DIDN'T have intelligence concerning osama prior to 911, then 1) why so many flubs in her hearing? and 2) WHY didn't he have the intelligence? either way this thing comes out, he's going to look bad.

**He's not, btw, and there will be worse to come I'm sure.**

the scary thing is that you may be right about that statement.

concerning the war... one of my best friends is over there now in the army. before he went, he was a STAUNCH bush supporter. he wasn't over there for a week before he did a shocking turn. why? because things aren't organized over there, he says. because it's just a shit-run, nothing is planned out at all, there are many situations of too many supplies in certain areas, and not enough supplies in others. he can't figure out how bush is considered a wartime leader. he says the iraq occupation is a horribly organized entity.
This thread makes me appreciate living in a small, boring country no one cares about. The whole political discussion is on a completely different level here. If you Americans vote for the wrong guy, he may blow up the entire planet. In Sweden, we just have to choose between these, one more harmless than the other:


To be ruled by people like these... I like it. They won't be expecting me to pray for them any day soon. Nope, they won't be doing anything unexpected at all.

Just to bring in an international perspective. Good luck with your election!
I'm sure it is, but again, it's hardly Bush who's making "wartime decisions" in Iraq. A President is just a figurehead, someone who soaks in glories and points fingers of blame. It's the 300 or so high-ranking officials who surround that person who actually make all the decisions.

Unless you're watching "24," in which case he does everything himself.

I won't pretend to know the chain of command in Iraq, but I'm sure Bush has his "trusted" military leaders who are basically taking orders & strategies direct from the Pentagon. I'm sure Bush is debriefed regularly, but he has very little to do with the day-to-day actions. Besides, he's got a campaign to worry about and can't be bothered with trivial items like young American men & women dying.

Getting back to the original points, I'm willing to give a shot to someone other than Bush, but I'm really afraid of what it's going to mean to me financially. To draw a parallel, when Clinton took over from Bush Sr. in 1992, the economy went into the crapper in many ways. Sure the stock market fooled people into thinking things were all peachy, but the long-term ramifications are being seen right now. Real estate, the automotive business, construction (all signifiers of how the economy is doing) were all booming by the late '90s and then the rug got pulled out from under us. So I'm worried that Kerry is going to look for the quick fix like so many Democrats before him and tax the fucking hell out of us. I mean, a $50 gas tax? Maybe that's a good thing, I don't know. Get all these fucking monster SUVs off the road.

This chick is kinda hot.

Black Winter Day said:
NAD: cocaine isn't exactly a party drug.
Dude. DUDE. Don't give me this shit when you and I both indulge(d) in the two most dangerous drugs: nicotine and alcohol. Just saying. :Spin:

Institutionalized is on the radio, and that rules. Off-topic, but at least I can say with absolute certainty that that is a true statement. :p
markgugs: invisible?

while it's obviously not bush literally making all the decisions in iraq, it is still his administration. to me: bush = entire bush administration.

while i agree that *some* of the blame placed on bush is overdone by liberals, i don't think (from what i've read) that kerry's tax plans are anywhere as bad as conservatives are making them out to be.

don't get me started on SUVs. i mean... if you actually USE them for what they're for (i.e. transportation of a large family, offroading, etc.) then fine. what i hate are all these yuppie pricks who buy them as a fad -- regardless of their horrible fuel "efficiency", dangerousness and detrimental effects on the environment and ozone layer. apologies to any yuppie prick i might have offended.
Yeah, I guess I am invisible. How about that? :D

Fuck SUVs, especially the insanely large ones and those ridiculous oversized pickups now too. What is honestly the fucking purpose of them?

BWD: Just remember this statement. There are NO good politicians. Not in this country at least.
markgugs said:
Yeah, I guess I am invisible. How about that? :D

Fuck SUVs, especially the insanely large ones and those ridiculous oversized pickups now too. What is honestly the fucking purpose of them?

BWD: Just remember this statement. There are NO good politicians. Not in this country at least.
i go invisible every now and then. my reasons are top secret, of course.

i usually find that people who drive SUVs and pickups are the assholes of the road. they are always the dickheads cutting in and out of traffic, riding right up on your ass and being overall jerkfaces because they have bigger vehicles. the bigger your vehicle = the smaller your penis? a probable correllation.

politics in america is ALWAYS about choosing the lesser of two evils.

nice avatar.