Is Bush really serious?!

BWD: Although I distrust Kerry and he doesn't exactly have a clean slate, that is still a great list of reasons why this country cannot afford four more years of our incompetent leader. I agree that homeland security & the Patriot Act have worked more to restrict liberties and gather formerly private information than as an effective tool to combat terrorism.
Black Winter Day said:
i go invisible every now and then. my reasons are top secret, of course.

i usually find that people who drive SUVs and pickups are the assholes of the road. they are always the dickheads cutting in and out of traffic, riding right up on your ass and being overall jerkfaces because they have bigger vehicles. the bigger your vehicle = the smaller your penis? a probable correllation.

politics in america is ALWAYS about choosing the lesser of two evils.

nice avatar.
Heh, I was inspired by your Yes avatar. :)
Demonspell said:
BWD: Although I distrust Kerry and he doesn't exactly have a clean slate, that is still a great list of reasons why this country cannot afford four more years of our incompetent leader. I agree that homeland security & the Patriot Act have worked more to restrict liberties and gather formerly private information than as an effective tool to combat terrorism.
One of the things that worries me about Kerry is that he reminds me of Mayor Bloomberg in NYC. He's one of those absolutely LOADED Democrats who has no clue about what's really important. His background is rife with all the things that most people hate about Republicans (married into a HUGE corporation, very capitalism-driven, etc.). He is a good speaker though, and I appreciate his stance on the war.

Though I hope none of you are counting on Kerry winning and immediately pulling the USA out of Iraq. Because that's certainly not going to happen. That place is like the lawless wild west right now, and we're the ONLY sheriff in town, whether you want us there or not. If we leave, that place would become a bad, bad, bad place ready for the most organized tyrannical organization to take it over.
Actually, all kidding aside, I'm not sure if Iraq was better off BEFORE or now. At least before, Saddam kept a tight lid on things and controlled the country. Obviously the USA and their few allies never believed that there would be much opposition AFTER the downfall of Saddam. Which is why things have turned so poorly.

Now, should they be successful at actually beginning a stable, free world for the Iraqi people, then I will say it was worth it. Unfortunately, I'm not sure when that might happen.
Well, you can certainly say that a country can (and maybe should) be left to its own designs, but when the leader of that nation regularly murders 1000s of citizens and poses a threat to other nations, well then, time to go. The difference is that the USA always falls prey to being the world policeman, while other nations sit back and just criticize yet do nothing, comfortable in turning a blind eye to what goes on outside their borders. Unless of course it's to speak up and bash the USA for doing something they don't like. :rolleyes:

I'm not too worried about Iraq posing a threat on an international scale; it's countries like Syria, Iran and North Korea that are trouble.
Iraq is fucked. Short of completely disolving the very earth it resides on, nothing good will come out of it for many years. How's Ashcanistan doing these days anyhow? :rolleyes:

North Korea is fixin' to bomb us again, I think some more "fruitless" (as coined by Kim Jong Il) discussions between the US, China, (Japan?), and North Korea are scheduled for June, let's see if we can hold them off until after the election.

Oh yeah, and all vehicles I've ever owned are trucks and SUVs (5 so far). All Japanese, 4-cyl., and small. :loco:
Black Winter Day said:
yeah but you go offroading and shit, right?
Absofrickinlutely. :) Except right now all I own is one 2-wheel drive truck. :erk:

I can't stand large SUVs because they are used inefficiently. 9 passenger gas guzzlers are used to transport ONE person on their 4 hour commute every day, makes me sick. Then there are all the poseurs driving around in huge pickups with 44" mud tires that have to crawl over speed bumps and wouldn't dream about getting their baby twuck diwrty, fuckin' morons. :yell:
I remember reading a few years ago that natural gas is depleting at an alarming rate, 30 years and there won't be much left. This leaves out the pockets in Antarctica (or was it up north?) because I've heard the possibility of using those gas reserves is sketchy at best.

One more thing about these super huge SUVs: people pay upwards of $50k for these fawkin' things, and for that amount you could have a very nice car instead of a clunky multi-passenger pickup truck with 8 cows worth of leather inside. Or several old Toyotas and one new Subaru WRX or BMW 3 series, which is what I would do with that much money. :D

THIS is what America needs, dammit!!!

by the way, this is a pic of Lizard that he posted over at the nevermore forum. i hope he doesn't mind me using it here.
Erik said:
Anyone with some knowledge of how Islamic countries work should really have seen the backlash coming from miles away. The war was stupid on so many levels. I believe that Iraq was better off before; the people might have suffered under Hussein, yes, but let the country solve its own fucking problems.
Funny how everyone became a human rights protester when the fuss started over Iraq. Funnily how people who never gave a second thought about ragheads were suddenly so concerned for their freedom :rolleyes: never underestimate the power of TV I guess...

I said it last year and I'll say it again. If we're all so suddenly concerned about dictators and human rights, when's the invasion of Zimbabwe coming?
Ayeka said:
Funny how everyone became a human rights protester when the fuss started over Iraq. Funnily how people who never gave a second thought about ragheads were suddenly so concerned for their freedom :rolleyes: never underestimate the power of TV I guess...

I said it last year and I'll say it again. If we're all so suddenly concerned about dictators and human rights, when's the invasion of Zimbabwe coming?
It is sooooooo hard to have sit through so many downright confrontational leftist points of view over and over and over again. I usually try not to get too directly involved in a political debate around here because I'm (apparently) in the complete minority on the board when it comes to my more conservative beliefs. I mean, come on, is everyone basically saying that there isn't ONE redeeming or positive quality to ANYTHING Bush has done? How positive is it to do nothing but SLAM, SLAM, SLAM, SLAM???? One example, gee, unemployment is at it's lowest level in years, but the spinners refuse to take things like that into consideration. "Bush sucks, Bush is a terrorist, it doesn't matter who we have in the presidency as long as it's not that Bush guy!!!!" You still have the freedom to voice your thoughts and opinions, and voice them you do. You still have the freedom to eat, think, dress, love, work, travel, spend, worship any way you freaking want! If you suddenly lived without freedom and in constant fear, you would so quickly realize what a human right it is to have that freedom, and how precious a gift it is to be able to choose the directions of your own lives.

I mean, seriously, much of the criticism of the administration is warranted, and I do agree that more could be done about domestic issues, but there's so much more criticism that is simply thrown out there just to be critical of Bush and the Rebuplican administration without taking an ounce of practicality into consideration.

If you don't think that Saddam Hussein was a threat to anyone but the Iraqi people, then you really are blind. The world changed after 9/11 like it or not. The U.S. administration decided it was in the best interest of the country take a pre-emptive role in combating those governments (so far Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya) that are not just dictatorships, but that harbor and support terroist cells and are supportive of those that are a true threat to the innocent people of the free world.

It's amazing how the same people that are blaming the Bush administration for not preventing 9/11, are the same ones that are blaming the Bush administration for being too pro-active in trying to prevent further major terrorist strikes.

I happen to agree with alot of the criticism about the President's handling of the North Korea situation, but reconstructing the gov't of Iraq is a major, major undertaking, but yes, I do fear the capabilities of some of the other dangerous factions that exist out there. I also know that our education system is a joke and a half, our health care costs suck, and so on and so on and so on. See?, I can be reasonable, I know that there is no infallibility in the current administration. I was not a Clinton supporter by any means, but that doesn't mean he did a horrible job with what he was given to work with. He was a phenominal orator, certainly far superior to Bush, and yes, that does have a very significant impact on the psyche of the American people. His presence was calming and reassuring and I admired that about him.

My bottom line in all this is that I am soooooooo sick of the constant bickering, the blame games, the bashing, the negativity and all the other B.S. that comes from the sorely split two-party system. I know we are capable of so much more, if we could just all work together and reason with each other. Unfortunately, unless you are a Republican or a Democrat in today's U.S. world, you will have no chance of becoming the leader of the nation. But I do truly wish there was someone in office who could compromise the majority of the belief systems that continue to divide us all.

I truly believe the two party political system is destroying us, and the gap is growing wider with each and every passing year. There has to be a way to not look at who's in office as the enemy, there just HAS to be.
Well I know I'm pretty conservative politically, I just can't stand Bush. ;)

Concerning civil liberties and Bush, take a trip down to Guantanamo Bay sometime. It's also extremely easy to get arrested while having due process stripped from you with the Patriot Act. Not that the US government hasn't engaged in shady techniques of this nature in the past, but now it's actually on the books as a legal practice. That is scary.

As far as Bush being unable to prevent 9/11, give me a break. No fucking way was he to blame. That's the problem with terrorism, since it is on such a small scale, prevention is extremely difficult, if not outright impossible. Look at the Unibomber and Tim McVeigh, I think a lot of people forget that terrorism comes from other people besides those nasty Muslims.

How many Americans knew what the word "terrorism" was before 9/11? :tickled: