George W. Bush

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The funny thing about liberal trash like yourself is that when you are trumped with air-tight facts you go into a corner and turtle.
LOL!!! Did you know that the US faked evidence during the Gulf War? That evidence is about as airtight as your ass. Go spout your insults somewhere else, Bobby.
Originally posted by Harp Heaven
LOL!!! Did you know that the US faked evidence during the Gulf War? That evidence is about as airtight as your ass. Go spout your insults somewhere else, Bobby.

After all the years I've spent in the weight room my ass is very perky, spunky, air-tight if you will. Now stop looking at it.

LOL!!!!! YOU DIDN'T KNOW!!! We fake everything! Everything! From the Nazis to the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait and everything in between. It's all a grand conspiracy. Once again you are drowning in your bottomless knowledge of all things worldly. Impressive. Please, keep it coming. And don't forget to eat your veggies.

The thread clearly states George W. Bush. What does he have to do with Symphony X or music? If it bothers you soo much, go to another thread..

I find this all amusing. This Bobby character acts as if he knows everything, like most idiots that associate themselves with the military. And speaking of bullies, wouldn't America be the biggest of them all?

Just because this is the oldest democracy (which is a word that really doesn't carry much meaning anymore..) doesn't make it the best.

This country should concentrate on its own problems and its own war within, before sticking our noses in others' shit.

Wonder why Bobby's happy ass isn't on the front lines... PUSSY.
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