German circumcision ban

So you guys think its cool to cut in a childs penis for absolutely no legitimate reason what so ever?
Why not allow arabs to beat their women as well, i mean.. its in their culture.
Yeah man, god said its ok so lets do it. Lets all beat babies because they wont remember it when they're older so it doesn't matter.

EDIT: Yes I know religions don't condone beating children before someone jumps down my throat about it. I'm just trying to show my opinion on the "but god said it's ok" argument and how daft it is.
pretty different from savages who slice off little girl's clits with steak knives and no anesthesia or proper medical treatment/care

You're right, cutting off the most sensitive part of the genitals is fine if it's a boy but savage if it's a girl. If they did female circumcision more cleanly would you be ok with it?
I'd imagine that if you still have your foreskin, you probably don't have a dog in this fight.

Not a day goes by that I give more or less of a shit about the foreskin that was cut off my wang in 1975. My total skin loss due to parental action (or lack thereof) weighs much more heavily towards "non-foreskin" than "foreskin". The question of whether or not my foreskin should or should not have been cut off has had less of an effect on my life than the question of whether the 1976 Plymouth Volare was going to be a better car than the 1975 Valiant - at least I remember the Volare.

If people have the need to make that choice for their children, it's certainly no greater a decision than where they go to school, how they are disciplined, or anything else that parents do every day.

This is the main argument in favor of circumcision and it basically boils down to buyer's denial. It's not like you can reverse the procedure and you had no choice in it. Of course people who are circumcised are going to defend it because not doing so is an implicit recognition that they've been deprived of something. Literally everything you said could be applied to female circumcision. Having no clitoris wouldn't change anything drastic in your life either.

I didn't really want to get involved in this argument because it can get very personal but think about the issue critically. How can someone miss what they've never had?
How can someone miss what they've never had?

obviously it's not possible

but...i'm glad my parents had me cut when i was a baby. if my dick was any more sensitive than it already is, i'd never get anything done
If it's done for medical reasons, fair enough.
But to cut a piece of the the dick off of some child that can't say anything about or against it is just wrong.
If someone decides it later down the road, that's cool, but the kid doesn't have a choice, and it can't be undone.
I think if you were starting to tattoo your infant, people would rebel against it as well, and rightfully so!
This ban/discussion is not about banning circumcision for grown ups (at least it should not be), but about circumcising an infant for no medical reason, that can not do anything about it.
changed my mind a bit but in the end, it was clear that this decision is going to turn
into a shitstorm because, like I already said, to ban something that is connected to
the Jewish culture in Germany is going to end in a shitstorm without a doubt.
There are already people who are like: "This is the worst thing Germany has done since
the Holocaust!"
Well, you are born with it. It is a part of your body. It should be there.
It has it's purpose.

I've heard that circumcised man have less "feel" to the head of their penis. Because it is always exposed to rubbing against clothes and everything else.
I guess the skin also protects the penis at the most sensitive part which can easily get micro wounds.

Believe it or not, this is not usual thing in Europe and never was.
In my country only muslims get circumcised as a part of their religion rituals.
I don't believe men get circumcised in any european country because it is a part of religious cultures such as jews or muslims which are not european.

When i first heard about the USA and the fact that men there get this procedure, many years ago, I was really surprized. But nothing surprizes me concerning usa anymore.

From spiritual point of view, that part of the body is very important concerning chakras. By cutting it, they make you more submissive and easy to control.
It is a trauma to a young baby, which sees penis as the important par of its body.

And stupid comment like " women like it better" are really just that, stupid. We like big tits, so every woman should go to a plastic surgery. Wait... we like natural tits so the deal is off.

What do people think of this? I personally feel that Germany is setting a great example here. The law is the law and should not suffer exceptions for religious conviction.
I stopped reading when the article mentioned the holocaust...

Personally I think it is a good thing to ban circumcision, it's disgusting and abuse of the child. Everyone should decide themselves if they want it done or not.
changed my mind a bit but in the end, it was clear that this decision is going to turn
into a shitstorm because, like I already said, to ban something that is connected to
the Jewish culture in Germany is going to end in a shitstorm without a doubt.
There are already people who are like: "This is the worst thing Germany has done since
the Holocaust!"

Those people are histrionic dickheads with an axe to grind.
Yeah, even though it's become generally accepted over here, after watching the Penn & Teller vids I realize that it is pretty fucked up (and I kinda wanna buy a PUD :lol: )

Nice that you finally agree, Marcus, even though I prompted you with this information when I converted to Judaism :rolleyes: Next time you come across something you seem extremely sure about, please get your facts and research straight. :lol:

Even though I identify as a Jew, I'm actually against circumcision. I might be okay with a mohel doing it (because they cut dicks for a living) but I'm completely against a doctor doing it in a hospital environment (do you really want some overworked and stressed out doctor caring for 20 other infants taking a scalpel to your son's penis? I think not.) Also, doing that shit in a nasty-ass hospital opens up your child to infection, even with the revised, more simplistic metal band methods. Check out this delicious infection caused by MRSA:



In hospitals, male infants are strapped down before getting cut (majority of the American guys cut in a hospital setting before the 1990s were probably circumcised in this fashion.)

It REALLY pisses me off that most American males have such flippant attitudes regarding circumcision without knowing the medical and social reality of it. Majority of the world is uncut, evolutionarily speaking, there is a reason why you have a foreskin.

Although circumcision is seen as the first rite into entering a covenant with G-d, the Bible provides no definitive instructions as to HOW it should be performed (for all we know, circumcision in the religious sense could be pin prick.) Our only way of knowing circumcision today is through the Talmud (or the Oral Law, meaning the Torah as interpreted by sages.) Back when bathing was not the norm and disease was more of a concern, I can understand why circumcision would be desirable. Muslims and Jews performed such rituals because it behaved as a cultural identifier and helped with by supposedly preventing the spread of bacteria and infection. (Jews usually perform the rite of circumcision seven days after birth, Muslims vary by observance and tribe, some boys are circumcised at puberty.) Studies though in the modern day provide conflicting information on this. In the US, circumcision did not become the sexual standard until the early 20th century as it was thought to discourage masturbation, preventing sexual deviance among males.

Circumcision has been thought to prevent the spread of AIDS (foreskin sometimes tears during sex.) Also, having worked with infants, it's a little easier cleaning a baby boy who has been cut versus uncut. Dead skin can build up, preventing the foreskin from retracting, such will cause infection, like UTIs. I also dated a Russian Jewish fellow for a while who encountered this problem when he started puberty. So much dead skin and excretion had built up on his penis, he was unable to pull his skin back, causing tearing and excessive bleeding. His mother chose not to cut him for political reasons; growing up in Russia before the fall of the Iron Curtain was not such a great time for the Jews. Identifying as little as possible with the community worked to one's advantage, there for no circumcision! Also dated a Chinese guy who snapped his skin bridge between the penis and foreskin while fapping too hard in high school. I think he eventually was circumcised in college, because he kept injuring his skin bridge, and not just from masturbation, but having sex. On one occasion I remember him telling me the wound became infected and needing to go on antibiotics. I felt pretty bad for him. And from a women's perspective, it honestly feels more cushioned having sex with an uncut guy versus one who is cut (not to say that it is better, but it definitely brings the pain factor of entry down.) It is also super soft and cute.


Genital herpes in an infant circumcised via Orthodox ritual
Orthodox mohels infecting infant boys with herpes (in Orthodoxy, the mohel usually will suck the blood right after the incision)

Ritual circumcision in Sephardic Jews

Circumcision of a 5 year old boy on Bizarre Foods, and yes, the grandfather eats the freshly cut foreskin. Yum.
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