Slayer - Show no mercy: Cool debut ...quite unlike the band they became...more of a punk edge in places....and some different more 'Evy metul' riffidge
Slayer - Hell Awaits: More raw...heavier....lyrics more darker...a sign of things to come
Slayer - Reign in Blood: The best Slayer album hands down...short sharp and TOTALLY to the point
Slayer - South of Heaven: Slayer slowed down a bit and this album didn't quite werk..although the title track rules !!!
Slayer - Seasons in the abyss: 2nd best album...perfect mix of slower and faster slayer songs
Slayer - Decade of Agression: Sweet live album !
Slayer - Divine Intervention: ugh boring ...a real been there done that feel
Slayer - Undisputed Attitude: Punk covers... ? Wiggah puleeeze !
Slayer - Diobolus in musica: WTF ?!!
Slayer - God hates us all: W.T.F ?!!!!
Megadeth - Killing is my bussiness...: Raw assed thrash album...showed Mustaine could well handle his own
Megadeth - Peace sells...: More polished , More technical , More MEGADETH
...big step forward...
Megadeth - SF SG SW: two steps backward...shitty production...some real shitty tunes...Darkest Hr rulz though !
Megadeth - Rust in Peace: OH YEH !! this is THE 'DETH album !!
Megadeth - Countdown: From ultra technical to ultra simple...but chunky..still kicks yer ass...but in a different way
Megadeth - Youth: A far more polished version of countdown...some ppl's dont like it..but it is a real solid piece of metal
Megadeth - Cryptic Writtings: Cryptic indeed half of this albums was heavier than the 2 previous albums...and the rest was crap
Megadeth - Risk: The title summed it up BIG TIME...and it was a RISK that fucked back severly...2-3 decent songs had they not been ruined by samples and weak production
Megadeth - TWNAH: A far better effort by far...the attitude is there...but the music isn't quite there ...YET !...this album is almost like CW pt2 ...half kick ass songs...half shite
*cocks shot-gun*