Get a load of these fucking lyrics!

Oblivious Maximus

I am the worm
Nov 5, 2003
Serving time in the middle of nowhere
Just read these lyrics and try not to throw up. They're from the band Propagandhi.

Stick The Fucking Flag Up Your Goddam Ass, You Sonofabitch

My father told me "son, it's futile to resist,
You can topple ideology but not the armies they enlist."
I questioned the intentions of the boy scouts chanting war.
"Well that's the sound of freedom, son" he said.
(Free to say no more.)
But wait a minute dad, did you actually say freedom?
Well, if you're dumb enough to vote,
You're fuckin dumb enough to believe him.
Cuz if this country is so goddam free,
Then I can burn your fucking flag wherever I damn well please.
I carried their anthem, convinces it was mine.
Rhymeless, unreasoned conjecture kept me in line.
But then I stood back and wondered what the fuck had they done to me.
Made accomplice to all that I'd promised I would never fucking be.
Never be.
You carry their anthem convinces that it's yours.
Invitation to honor. Invitation to war.
Bette Midler now assumes sainthood.
Romanticize murder for moral.
Tie a yellow ribbon round the oak tree my friend,
And "Gee Wally, that's swell!"
Fuck the troops to hell!
Just by posting these guys retarded bullshit, you've helped them by spreading their braindead bullshit....You should keep this type of garbage to yourself.

I don't mean that in my normal asshole way dude, I'm just saying that these clowns lyrics should stay in the basement of his mothers house, where this pussy probably writes this stuff.

Cryptkeeper said:
Just read these lyrics and try not to throw up. They're from the band Propagandhi.

Stick The Fucking Flag Up Your Goddam Ass, You Sonofabitch

My father told me "son, it's futile to resist,
You can topple ideology but not the armies they enlist."
I questioned the intentions of the boy scouts chanting war.
"Well that's the sound of freedom, son" he said.
(Free to say no more.)
But wait a minute dad, did you actually say freedom?
Well, if you're dumb enough to vote,
You're fuckin dumb enough to believe him.
Cuz if this country is so goddam free,
Then I can burn your fucking flag wherever I damn well please.
I carried their anthem, convinces it was mine.
Rhymeless, unreasoned conjecture kept me in line.
But then I stood back and wondered what the fuck had they done to me.
Made accomplice to all that I'd promised I would never fucking be.
Never be.
You carry their anthem convinces that it's yours.
Invitation to honor. Invitation to war.
Bette Midler now assumes sainthood.
Romanticize murder for moral.
Tie a yellow ribbon round the oak tree my friend,
And "Gee Wally, that's swell!"
Fuck the troops to hell!
T_man357 said:
Just by posting these guys retarded bullshit, you've helped them by spreading their braindead bullshit....You should keep this type of garbage to yourself.

I don't mean that in my normal asshole way dude, I'm just saying that these clowns lyrics should stay in the basement of his mothers house, where this pussy probably writes this stuff.
Actually this band is quite popular in the punk underground, so sadly they have many retarded fans. Also this song was released in 1993, and the fact that the band is from Canada only makes it worse.
But like I said Cryptie, I'm not trying to be a dick to you.....It was just a suggestion

Cryptkeeper said:
Actually this band is quite popular in the punk underground, so sadly they have many retarded fans. Also this song was released in 1993, and the fact that the band is from Canada only makes it worse.
The majority of Canadians dont even realize they have a Navy. I think the Mounties have more people than the entire Candian millitary combined.
GWAR 2004, USA

"War Party"

I hear your piteous shrieking
In this land of death
And boils and bees and RPG's
And piles of prisoners masturbated on
Now you are on fire
You curse the choice you made
Your Humvee a pyre your life to expire
Your face and a name and a corpse that's bathed in flames

Come join the War Party
And see exotic lands
Your blood has stained the desert sands

I hear your body burning
A piping and piteous sound
The crows tears apart your corpse after the flames have gone down
You're dragged through the streets
With a chain 'round your neck
Hung from a bridge on the outskirts of town
They never find your head

Come and join the War Party
And see exotic lands
Your blood has stained the desert sands
Your blood is running through your hands

Still you expect pity
And you shall recieve none
Why did death come hard for you
You gave it to some
You joined the War Party
Your purpose was clear
You did your job with skill, you raped and you killed
Why so surprised that you finally got billed?

You put the gun to your shoulder
You put lead through a brain
You left bodies to molder
You spread havoc and pain
They will call you a hero
I call you an ignorant slave
Because before you died you acted surprised
So soon you were shown to your grave

Come now and join the War Party
And see exotic lands
Your blood has stained the desert sands
Your blood is running through your hands

All men die
So don't ask why
What the fuck else did you think you were for?
You were made to decay
It's better that way
This is the price of your war

Join up now because soon you'll have no choice
BigFakeSmile said:
GWAR 2004, USA

"War Party"

I hear your piteous shrieking
In this land of death
And boils and bees and RPG's
And piles of prisoners masturbated on
Now you are on fire
You curse the choice you made
Your Humvee a pyre your life to expire
Your face and a name and a corpse that's bathed in flames

Come join the War Party
And see exotic lands
Your blood has stained the desert sands

I hear your body burning
A piping and piteous sound
The crows tears apart your corpse after the flames have gone down
You're dragged through the streets
With a chain 'round your neck
Hung from a bridge on the outskirts of town
They never find your head

Come and join the War Party
And see exotic lands
Your blood has stained the desert sands
Your blood is running through your hands

Still you expect pity
And you shall recieve none
Why did death come hard for you
You gave it to some
You joined the War Party
Your purpose was clear
You did your job with skill, you raped and you killed
Why so surprised that you finally got billed?

You put the gun to your shoulder
You put lead through a brain
You left bodies to molder
You spread havoc and pain
They will call you a hero
I call you an ignorant slave
Because before you died you acted surprised
So soon you were shown to your grave

Come now and join the War Party
And see exotic lands
Your blood has stained the desert sands
Your blood is running through your hands

All men die
So don't ask why
What the fuck else did you think you were for?
You were made to decay
It's better that way
This is the price of your war

Join up now because soon you'll have no choice
This is actaully a good album. Cheers to that.
Oblivious Maximus said:
I know, it's just that I can't believe that a Canaidan band has the balls to say "fuck the troops to hell!''

its not like they are talking about canadian troops, oh wait a minute, canada has no troops, the only army that exists to defend canada is the usa army, bunch of pussies
Oblivious Maximus said:
Actually this band is quite popular in the punk underground, so sadly they have many retarded fans. Also this song was released in 1993, and the fact that the band is from Canada only makes it worse.
What's all this anti Canadian shit all about! IF you have nothing nice to say about us, please shut the fuck up!
Hey! Most of us like havin' you guys as neighbours. We just think a lot people who own credit cards there should suffer from blunt force castration for the stupid stuff they call in about...

We do have an army, and the majority of us feel it's underfunded. Quite honestly, it's bullshit that many of the ones with families qualify for welfare. I have a cousin in the Army here, and he says its alright, but I still worry if he gets sent out somewhere.

Sadly though, a lot of our citizens are ignorant to a lot of what goes on in the world, and are so caught up in "multi-culturalism" and "tolerance" that they forget certain people want us dead for our beliefs. We're starting to make a turn back to common sense, though... Convicting the Hindu asshole dad who murdered his daughter for dating a white guy, and the calls for the deportation of street-racing immigrants who kill people. It's not enough now though, since we've got a lot of judges to replace...
If ya want to avoid leftist/anti-war lyrics in punk/metal music, your best bet is to smash your CDs. Its unavoidable. It also seems that the majority of the people that sing this music don't have the physical strength to pick up a guy let alone defend their country.

It does, however, make for interesting situations. I was at a show where Lamb of God was playing and my Marine buddy (who just got done serving a hitch in Iraq) chewed out some cry-baby anti-war kids just after the show, within earshot of the band. I know that's not the best way to win friends and influence people, but some righeous right-wing sermons getting dished out once in a while are fun to watch.
ivankoloff said:
its not like they are talking about canadian troops, oh wait a minute, canada has no troops, the only army that exists to defend canada is the usa army, bunch of pussies

Defend us from who? Canada has never been attacked directly. We have fought for the right reasons in the WWII alongside U.S. - no war for oil for us mistah nuh-uh!