New A Perfect Circle... INCREDIBLE.


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
I'm so glad this band opened up for their second album after a very good but a bit lacking debut. Anyhow, they have both an album and DVD coming out 11/2 to coincide with the election. Cover version of John Lennon's Imagine is here, and FUCKING AWESOME.

Several videos and lots of information on this album of songs about "WAR, PEACE, LOVE AND GREED" found at

teh site lolz said:
With “eMOTIVe,” A Perfect Circle restore rock ‘n’ roll to its revolutionary roots by throwing a 12-megaton musical bomb in the face of the ruling class. Described by APC’s Maynard James Keenan as “a collection of songs about war, peace, love and greed,” the astonishing set blends all-new original material with a provocative selection of cover versions. The tracks chosen bridge three decades of protest songs, spanning an array of genres – hardcore punk and heavy metal, new wave and Delta blues, folk rock and rhythm & blues. Among the insurgent classics reinterpreted on “eMOTIVe” are John Lennon’s “Imagine,” Marvin Gaye’s “What’s Going On,” Memphis Minnie’s blues stomper, “When The Levee Breaks” (made famous by Led Zeppelin), Depeche Mode’s “People Are People,” Devo’s “Freedom Of Choice,” Black Flag’s “Gimmie Gimmie Gimmie,” Fear’s “Let’s Have A War,” Joni Mitchell’s “Fiddle And The Drum,” and the Nick Lowe (by way of Elvis Costello) anti-anthem, “(What’s So Funny ‘Bout) Peace, Love And Understanding.” The album kicks off with an explosive take on “Annihilation,” originally recorded by Berkeley aggro-punk legends, Crucifix. The eMOTIVe release is a limited edition special package that includes a lenticular cover.


I disliked the second album and the first one has been ruined for me. I can't listen to it without thinking of Super Mario for the SNES. I played that a lot while listening to that album.

As for the third, I've only heard that Imagine cover and was none too impressed.
Thanatopsis123 said:
I disliked the second album and the first one has been ruined for me. I can't listen to it without thinking of Super Mario for the SNES. I played that a lot while listening to that album.
Okay I'm really curious now. Was the first ruined for you because you had some bad experience with Super Mario or something?

I'm predicting this as album of the year just because that version of Imagine is the best thing I've heard from this sorta blah but sorta not year.
I've only heard the debut. It was far from horrible, but hardly breathtaking. And it's probably because Keenan fronts both bands, but APC sounded like watered down Tool, or simply Tool-lite.

Aenima>>>>other Tool>>>>APC
J. said:
I've only heard the debut. It was far from horrible, but hardly breathtaking. And it's probably because Keenan fronts both bands, but APC sounded like watered down Tool, or simply Tool-lite.

Aenima>>>>other Tool>>>>APC
I hear what you're saying, but the second album is a big evolution from the first. It's definitely worth checking out.

I've heard Imagine and can't make up my mind about it. It didn't grab me the first time through, not that that matters much.
How can you have a bad experience with Super Mario? :)

But seriously, images of that game float through my head everytime I listen to the first APC album. They really don't mesh very well. I have no idea why I listened to it while playing that game in the first place.

It happens too often. When I hear Swano's Moontower I always think of this DBZ mod for Quake III, a K's Choice album reminds me of Team Fortress Classic mod for Half Life, the first Lamb of God album reminds me of Donkey Kong Country, and Opeth's Still Life reminds me of Tony Hawk.

I've since stopped listening to music while playing games.
Listening to Biohazard reminds me of getting prepared for Hell-Week back in college. so yeah...

and Soilwork reminds me of how I need to research bands before buying on word-of-mouth to avoid wasting money.

Super Mario Cart rules so much.
I've never listened to music while playing video games, total distraction of both the game and the music. I'm also an RPG and especially Square dork though, where the music was vital to the game. :loco:

Soilwork sucks. Super Mario Cart rules. Biohazard ruled. The second APC album doesn't have the Tool-lite feel.
Dude, I love playing music while playing video games. Star Wars: Battlefront is great violent fun, and blasting Graveland, Bolt Thrower, Amon AMarth, and other war metal bands while playing is great for affect.

I was always the toadstool guy when playing Mariocart, but I liked being Donkey Kong too.
I liked shooting those heat-seeking red shells. Those ruled. And shooting out those green shells from your ass was cool, too.

I hated those stupid banana peels
Top speed be damned, I never cared about top speed in any racing game, dating back to Final Lap Twin on the TurboGrafx. It's all about handling dammit! Same with real world driving, the reason why I drive a light weight 4-cyl. car instead of some roadpig V8. :Spin:
Mario and Luigi have the most versatility... good handling, good speed, good acceleration.

Yoshi and the Princess handle great, but they are generally slow as fuck.

If you're going to play as Mario (which I usually do), it is necessary that you become adept at using boosts and conserving them for the opportune moments.
Erik said:
Mario and Luigi are pretty fucking mediocre. They're just totally average and boring. The thing about the Princess and Yoshi is that they have really really fast acceleration, but their top speed sucks. The previously mentioned fat bastards have REALLY REALLY slow acceleration but once you get up to top speed they can't be beat. Good for beating lap times in time trial mode :D I tend to be Toad or Koopa Troopa though they're kind of n00bish. They handle well, they aren't half bad in the speed department, etc, etc.
Dude, Koopa and Toad are the essence of mediocrity!

What is necessary in a good racer is BALANCE. Lack of great strengths, but lack of any weaknesses. Yeah, if it were a drag race, Konkey Dong would beat Mario every time (although would only pull away at the the end). But the fatass can't handle the easiest of turns, not to mention that as soon as that lard ass hits a wall, it takes 20 seconds to build up a decent speed once again. Straightaway = fine. However, just put a turn and those motherfuckers simply can't DEAL.
I lived with a dude who was an absolute master at this game. Watching him play was like butter.

A Perfect Circle > Super Mario Kart > 90% of the other forms of entertainment I've experienced.
WRONG! On two accounts. The new APC comes out 11/2, the "new" one from last year was Absolutely Incredible. I listened to it last night to confirm (it's been awhile), and yes, it is without a doubt Absolutely Incredible. It took me about 20 serious listens to get into though, one of those albums that I didn't like for a bit but figured it had something to offer if I paid more attention. It did. :)