Get Better SOON Sara!!!


Maidens' drums
Aug 2, 2002
A little birdie told me that Sara took a spill a couple days ago and has a hurt foot again! OUCH! Wanna elaborate on this a little Sara? It is your story! :lol:

Here's my wish for you!

How about swapping those Achilles tendons in for another set that doesn't have bad genes and break up. Add a couple bolts in the neck and we'll call you FrankenSara! hahaha!!! For now, when the pain is harsh, bottoms up harsh, just like a Marsh!! hahaha!!! :kickass::kickass:

Good luck on a fast recovery :)
Oh, it's not her pesky achilles this time! She already dealt with both of those! :lol: This time it is a bone fracture. :ill: So she won't have to be sitting in a chair to play, but she might be hobbling a bit in a walking boot! We want to see pics!!! :zombie: :kickass:Sara, Sara, Sara!!!
Ohhh NOOoooo!

Damn Sara, Heal up soon, ya hear?

I know alcohol isn't the answer, but what was the question anyhow?:kickass:
my doggie is soooo fast! she pulls me up and down the streets on my rollerskates - it's so fun. i spin around backwards to break cuz we get going pretty fast but of all things that's not how i fell. so we were down at king harbor enjoying the sun and ocean and she was pullin me down by the breakwall. i stopped to adjust my left skate cuz the tongue had slipped down and that's when she lunged to chase a bird or whatever she thought she saw. pulled me hard to the right and i watched my left ankle fold. ahha first thing i checked was to see if my achilles was still there after i got the boot off. it was but oi the pain! ended up with a small fracture down by my left ankle - which i call cankle now. still on crutches - thanks for the well wishes! i'm hoping i'll be able to walk on it soon cuz i'm bored!! hahha :saint:
You are living proof that milk does a body good! Can you imagine the damage that might have been done if you weren't the avid milk lover that you are? Oh yes, and ice cream toooooo! :p I can make special deliveries for friends with ankle fractures.
Well, I'm really sorry to hear about your injury, Sara. Hope you get better soon! We need to see you jumpin' around the stage like you're 'sposed to! Just don't jump too much that it hurts! The achilles was bad enough, now this! Yikes! We need you kickin' ass on that guitar!
A tall birdie with an H told me about this the other day. I'm now convinced dog walkin can be dangerous, my shoulder your ankle you better be careful Linda :lol:.

Hope your feelin better sara, you need anything give me a buzz I'm not far from you.

Linda you deliver the milk, I'll deliver the cookies :D
A tall birdie with an H told me about this the other day. I'm now convinced dog walkin can be dangerous, my shoulder your ankle you better be careful Linda :lol:.

Hope your feelin better sara, you need anything give me a buzz I'm not far from you.

Linda you deliver the milk, I'll deliver the cookies :D

yeah - dog walking is officially an extreme sport huh - not just a walk in the park anymore!

Hope you are feeling better by now.

Keep that Ankle supported for a long time after the swelling goes down.

I once tripped over my dog (he's a Jack russell) and tore the ligaments in my knee, cracked a rib and very narrowly avoided having surgery on my knee. Its easy done.