get ready

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that Jim and Jeff left. Pure speculation but at this point it doesn't matter.

wow man, I really don't think so. I think everyone in the band would pretty much agree without Jeff there is no Nevermore. No knock on the other guys, especially WD and Van, but Jeff really is the engine that makes the band go. I think they'd disband instead of continuing without Jeff. Nevermore without Jeff? The concept doesn't even exist as far as I am concerned.
Jeff and WD are (historically anyway) pretty damn close I think, from reading what WD has said. If anyone left, I'd say maybe Van or Jim. Plus, I could be wrong, but Jeff reallllly doesn't come across as an egomaniac...quite humble actually.
wow man, I really don't think so. I think everyone in the band would pretty much agree without Jeff there is no Nevermore. No knock on the other guys, especially WD and Van, but Jeff really is the engine that makes the band go. I think they'd disband instead of continuing without Jeff. Nevermore without Jeff? The concept doesn't even exist as far as I am concerned.
Jeff and WD are (historically anyway) pretty damn close I think, from reading what WD has said. If anyone left, I'd say maybe Van or Jim. Plus, I could be wrong, but Jeff reallllly doesn't come across as an egomaniac...quite humble actually.

I kinda agree, although I never thought Jeff was an egomaniac at all. However, I don't know the guy and I really don't know what kind of relationship he has with WD. That's what's fun about speculating, hehehe.

I have to be honest, however. I don't really see Jeff as the engine in the band anymore...I've always looked at WD as the one who keeps it all together. After EoR, my view changed about the kinda felt like the focus was wavering and that aside from a few songs, the albums just weren't holding up like they used to. The guitars honestly for me got a little stale in the last couple of seemed a bit like less was written for the songs and more was written for the solos.

In any case I hope no one is leaving, but if someone does, I'm sure it will be for the best.
Well are we gonna find out what happened or what will happen ?

Edit : sorry bout that ^^
Will happened all over your tummy...twice. :guh:

