get some of this into ya!


Apr 1, 2003
Melbourne, Australia
after a seriously rockin' west memphis 3 show last night, with a spectacular line up, i wanted to make special mention of this band that just knocked my socks off! Actually two bands knocked my socks off, but this is the one i want to tell you all about here:

Clagg is their name - i was skeptical whether or not i would like them judging purely on the name, but they killed me with their intro and i was in love ever since!

Check em out and tell me what you think.. they're doom with a strong blues influence, i just loved it! Also pretty good showmen too, though we had alot of good showmanship last night (all quality bands), but you gotta love a guy who is so into his screaming and growling that he is throwing himself on the ground and writhing around haha.. :kickass:

edit: link fixed to something more user friendly because of amon haha
hey sister, you see clagg are playing april 25 @ pony?

gospel are the following night @ the espy.

i KNOW, i would like to take nay to see clagg on the friday maybe.. the saturday though, i REALLY want to go, and have been planning it!!! BUT then i find out my friend mat is leaving for the navy (hopefully you'll meet him friday, i asked him to come out) and that's the night of his going away party, IN BLOODY FERNTREE GULLY for gods sake.. i don't even know how i would possibly get out there, *SIGH* i dont know what to do.. it's eating me up.. then Chris said he will only come up to Melbs on the Saturday night to go to the Gospel show if I'm going, and I wanna see him too, so I'm all torn and confused! Oh and it's Vaughan's birthday too that weekend, and I'm not sure what his plans are yet, but I would like to see him too if I can!

after a seriously rockin' west memphis 3 show last night, with a spectacular line up, i wanted to make special mention of this band that just knocked my socks off! Actually two bands knocked my socks off, but this is the one i want to tell you all about here:

Clagg is their name - i was skeptical whether or not i would like them judging purely on the name, but they killed me with their intro and i was in love ever since!

Check em out and tell me what you think.. they're doom with a strong blues influence, i just loved it! Also pretty good showmen too, though we had alot of good showmanship last night (all quality bands), but you gotta love a guy who is so into his screaming and growling that he is throwing himself on the ground and writhing around haha.. :kickass:

edit: link fixed to something more user friendly because of amon haha

Haha. I remember you talking about how much you loved Clagg's show Saturday night. Lol.

Probably should have predicted this thread lol.

Good band I must also add! :rock:
i KNOW, i would like to take nay to see clagg on the friday maybe.. the saturday though, i REALLY want to go, and have been planning it!!! BUT then i find out my friend mat is leaving for the navy (hopefully you'll meet him friday, i asked him to come out) and that's the night of his going away party, IN BLOODY FERNTREE GULLY for gods sake.. i don't even know how i would possibly get out there, *SIGH* i dont know what to do.. it's eating me up.. then Chris said he will only come up to Melbs on the Saturday night to go to the Gospel show if I'm going, and I wanna see him too, so I'm all torn and confused! Oh and it's Vaughan's birthday too that weekend, and I'm not sure what his plans are yet, but I would like to see him too if I can!


sounds like you're in a bit of a pickle there sister!! V is having a party at his place on the 24th (thursday, day before ANZAC day)
yeah i know he sms'ed me yesterday, but i cant get out to croydon.. i might end up going to the sat night gig and seeing V then, and ill have to say bye to my friend at another point.. its the only solution i think..
:mad: Well, i finally got around to listening to "Clagg". What kind of an aural shitfest is that?? I wasted 10 minutes of my life and now my ears actually smell like shit. Thanks for nothing, SilentRealm. Let us know if you ever find a way into the western world, Australia. Until then, I'm sure "Clagg" is the shit.


Ah, you know i only kid.:) Sometimes a little troll takes over when i type.;) I did get some of it into to me though, and, hey, it's not bad! It's a little, i dunno, sludgy and slow-sounding for my taste, but i salute them for trying something new. :)