Yo, the new Nevemore is freaking OUT OF THIS WORLD!!11!!

NicholasDWolfwood said:
TGE was tied with Nile's Annihiliation of the Wicked for my Album of 05 pick. Deadwing and GR weren't too far behind either.

Sell My Heart For Stones is my fav track on TGE, though Born is amazing too. I always loved Warrell's use of "the pigs" at least once an album.

:tickled: I did notice that too!
album of the year, but of course ill say that cuz im a fanboy, haha.

im flying to europe to see 'em in a few months and i cant wait.

the weird thing about tge is that while every song is fucking awesome, the first and the last (born and tge) are ten times better than the rest of them. the only thing that comes close is my acid words. that is saying a lot considering songs like pslam of lydia and final product and the rest.

but yes, nevermore kick ass and loomis is metal's best guitarist.
Moonlapse said:
Yeah it's good music. Some of the riffs and ideas are bit too mundane for my liking, but Nevermore are really getting the whole straightforward metal formula down quite well.

I wish they'd delve back into more experimental stuff like their older albums. I preffer my albums to be a journey rather than a collection of riffs.

Took the words out of my mouth. My 2 favorites will always be DNB and PoE, simply because the riffs were pretty twisted, and the songs had this bizarro atmosphere, and the songs really seemed to go somewhere.
it is an amazing metal album....however i cannot for the life of me understand why they are supporting Distubed for their euro tour.

thats just fucken weird.