Gettin a Peavey UltraPlus Head on Friday


Madly in anger with you
Apr 2, 2002
Philadelphia, PA
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Ahhh, the benefits of working at a music store.

So a customer dropped this head off to be sent out for repair in March of 03. Never paid for the repair, the guy kinda disappeared, and its still in the stock room at work. So I'm getting it for 100 bucks.

Now, apparently there are a few things that were never fixed or just went wrong while it was sitting gathering dust. For starters, the resonance switch doesn't work, and the Ultra Channel doesn't wanna click on either.

But I figure, An all-tube Peavey head for a hundred bucks plus what it takes to get it fixed is still a fuckin steal.

Also, the things has 6L6's in it now, I'm thinking of getting it modded for EL34s. Good idea, or bad idea?

Plus, anybody have any opinions on what cab would sound good paired with this head?
PEavey MS 412 put in 2 Eminence Swamp Thangs and 2 Celestions Vintage 30's

Thats what i did with my old Ultra, that i got rid of awhile ago
Well, I got the head on Friday, and now it's just sitting in my room, waiting for a cab. Man it sucks being broke. I'm thinking about just ordering a Triple XXX cab for it, cuz I can get that for like 400 bucks at the most. And ordering a new one will give me time to pay it off, rather than saving. Because I cannot save up money on my own.

Anyone here have any opinions on this head? 100 bucks a good deal or a rip-off?
it's a fucking deal man, get that baby biased and rocking. EL-34's should kick your ass.