Getting authentic guitar


May 20, 2010
Izmir, Turkey
Hello..So far i've tried lots of vst's but i got nearly same guitar tones, like Slipknot's,Soad's,Amon Amarth's guitar tone..Well, to be honest, i want to grind a little to get a sound like In Flames, Gojira, Soilwork, Bloodbath and so on..I hope you would understand what i mean, u know, when you compare The Quiet Place with Aerials, or Stabbing the Drama with Left Behind, u'll see what i exactly mean :P What is/are the key(s) for that? Waiting for answers, take care..
Amp + Cab + Mic = authentic tone.
Amp sims may get close, but they will never be the real deal.
Gotta be pushing air with a cab and having the microphone capture it to get that real 3D sound.
Yeah, unfortunely you just named a bunch of records with great mic'd guitar tones and several of them are multi-mic'd to boot making them that much harder to imitate. There are guys here that get some great VST/POD/Whatever tones but they have a different quality than the mic'd amps IMO. I suggest you follow their lead and the best way to do this is by searching the threads on the subject (and ignoring any debate).
I remember when I first got a GuitarPort and thought I'd just plug-in and, voila, instant massive Marshall tone! :p Boy, was I in for a surprise!

The POD is never going to sound like a real amp, so you need to change your expectations regarding what kind of tones you can and can't get out of them.

Working w/ the POD will teach you the art of compromise. No, you can't get a "million dollar" tone, but you can get a 250K tone. :p

For starters, learn what amps sound good and which ones don't. The Marshall clones, for the most part, sound pretty crappy, the Silver clone being the exception, IMO.

The Engl clone is very good though, in that it mates well w/ other amps in dual tone mode.

The Diezel clones I'm not so sure about. Might be that I haven't found the right amp/cab/mic combo for them yet.

The Cali Diamond Plate is a good choice for a starting point. It's "thick" sounding amp that's good for chords, but single notes seem to sound a little thin w/ it though.

The Orange clone was an amp that, until recently, I never ever used (probably because I'm an idiot, lol). It is, however, proving to be an excellent
choice for a dual tone. I've found putting a ts in front of it, and cranking the drive and gain, gets a surprisingly good tone out of it.

The Line 6 Big Bottom is another amp that I like to use as a "shaper". Meaning it's a good amp to pair w/ another to bring out that amps best qualities. It is, as its name implies, fairly bassy, so pairing it w/ a relatively "thin" sounding amp makes sense.

Cabs seem to be the POD's biggest weakness. Which is probably why so many people use impulses w/ theirs. That said, I find that I use the V30s, L6 4X12, and the Mesa 4X12 almost exclusively.

Mics. There's only 4 to choose from, so it's a relatively easy process of finding which mics work w/ what amp/cab combo the best. Everyone seems to use either the 57 on/off axis, so that should tell you something. Personally, I like to use the condenser mic w/ the L6 4X12 on some tones. Especially ones that need a little more definition.

EQing. A subject I know almost nothing about. What I do know, is that mids need to be controlled and, at the same time, maximized in order for your tone not to become either too shrill or too muddy. There's some very good responses up to posts made on this subject here, so I'd make extra sure to check them out.
Sadly i know, that i cant ever get an impressive massive guitar tone like any real amp, but i'm trying to get the best i can, that's why i've been grinding for a while, and asking for presets to see what should be done as "normal", i'm comparing my mistakes within the presets, which some other people had done, not for guitars, but for bass and drums..

@Robert, yes, u are right, the best among them is Cali Diamond, which i've recently begun to use. By now, i didnt want to use any impulses, but i've started to use them, too. Wish i had Revalver MKIII, it contains all of the options in only one vst that a guitar player would need, i've tried the Demo version and, yes, it still sounds even better than Farm + Impulse importing and opening an extra vst within the Revalver makes it extremely useful..

All in all, i believe that EQ is the only key to achieve greater guitar sounds..
Sadly i know, that i cant ever get an impressive massive guitar tone like any real amp, but i'm trying to get the best i can, that's why i've been grinding for a while, and asking for presets to see what should be done as "normal", i'm comparing my mistakes within the presets, which some other people had done, not for guitars, but for bass and drums..

@Robert, yes, u are right, the best among them is Cali Diamond, which i've recently begun to use. By now, i didnt want to use any impulses, but i've started to use them, too. Wish i had Revalver MKIII, it contains all of the options in only one vst that a guitar player would need, i've tried the Demo version and, yes, it still sounds even better than Farm + Impulse importing and opening an extra vst within the Revalver makes it extremely useful..

All in all, i believe that EQ is the only key to achieve greater guitar sounds..

Not knocking Revalver, but unless you really like the sound of Peavey amps, POD Farm will give you more versatility, imo.

The Cali Diamond Plate is the amp more "metal" people start with I think. That and the L6 Big Bottom.

What's going to really help you more than anything else though are either some good flat monitors or headphones. No greater enemy exists for the POD Farm knob twisting than crappy speakers or phones. I learned this lesson the hard way myself. I spent hours coming up w/ tones that I thought sounded like death incarnate when monitored through crappy headphones only to find that those tones sounded more like a goose w/ an upper respiratory infection when I burned those tone tests unto a cd. This lead me to the erroneous belief that the POD just couldn't get good tones. It took me a lot of research to find that you can get usable tones out of a POD just so long as you don't think you can duplicate an actual tube amp's tone. What you can get are some pretty decent solid state tones. Go at your research w/ that attitude and you will save yourself plenty of frustration.

Also, try the Engl clone. At first I dismissed it as too "djenty" sounding, but it can do some pretty good "crunch" tones when paired w/ the L6 4X12.
6505/5150 + Mesa 4x12 oversized + 57/421 + good, clean sounding pre + great guitar player=great guitar tone

the 6505 and 5150 are so easy to dial in sick tones it's almost criminal
6505/5150 + Mesa 4x12 oversized + 57/421 + good, clean sounding pre + great guitar player=great guitar tone

the 6505 and 5150 are so easy to dial in sick tones it's almost criminal

This is true, assuming you like the sound of 5150s/6505s.

While an excellent choice for faster paced metal, the 5150's/6505s don't sound as good, imo, for slower paced stuff. This is why I haven't switched over to Revalver from POD Farm yet.
get a real tube amp, a real cab, a real mic i feel like everyones relying on impulses and direct sound. just practice, learn, experiment and fail getting tones with a real amp. it will pay off in the long run. real amp tone ALMOST always (to me) sounds better then ampsims
get a real tube amp, a real cab, a real mic i feel like everyones relying on impulses and direct sound. just practice, learn, experiment and fail getting tones with a real amp. it will pay off in the long run. real amp tone ALMOST always (to me) sounds better then ampsims

This is true, but not every can afford some of the higher end amps, or has the facilities to crank one for an optimal tube tone.

Ampsims may not be the equal of a good tube amp, but sometimes it's all you got, so one might as well learn to make the most of it.
yeah the 5150 is possibly the easiest amp for recording heavy music ever.
so easy to get a good tone out of, so easy to mix, sits beautifully.
Love it
Impulse's are good but the thing is to find the exact EQ settings for the sound, otherwise u got nearly the same dist sound regardless of different amp sims and settings..