Getting drunk in Göteborg eller Stockholm (18 years old and over)


Jan 8, 2004
Ok, I passed my exams and got my results today: 16/20 and 14/20 oral/written for swedish... *clap clap* so now I have to ask myself "AM I READY TO BECOME EVEN MORE SWEDISH??" right now I'm like... french lol so what the hell!

Do you svensk dudes know particular bars where you like to get along and drink?? I already went to Göteborgsrockbaren, it was awesome but I plan a little drift to stockholm soon. TELL ME WHERE DO YOU GET DRUNK!!! BECAUSE NICK FROM HÄRSKAR SOLO BAND (hahaha) WANNA GET DRUNK THERE TOO!!!

And possibly found the real band THERE in sweden, that's what I decided for when I'll move in Göteborg! (yeah throw your beercans on me, I'm a filthy immigrant!)
I don't live in either Stockholm or Göteborg, so sorry :p I've been there, but that was before I was old enough (in the eyes of the law, anyway) to drink so I really wouldn't know...
However, from what I've been told, Pub Anchor and Elverket in Stockholm are supposed to be good...
And you simply have to go and eat at Magnus&Magnus in Göteborg, even if it will cost you a fortune. My brother used to work there, and the food will still be excellent I believe. :p
By the way, congrats :D
@Legende: you know, there's more to exploring a country than by just going there to drink its (expensive) alcohol andthrow up in its gutters, and then ending up unconscious in its parks while being robbed, molested and worse by its various homeless/criminal people ;)
And you disappoint me, you should definitely know what Skellefteå is... :p

@Ben: ...for it is indeed a paradise when it comes to nightlife. We have the always lovely E and Underbar, should you wish to get drunk in public, while simultaneously dancing to horrible music. Then there's the club Pinkerton, if you wish to become a member of a society to get the odd chance of seeing a good live band every once in a while...
Or, you could of course pass out in the middle of the town square together with the other drunks after imbibing copious amounts of moonshine.
It's all up to you, really ;)
@Legende: In Stockholm, some good places to get sh*tfaced in are: Medusa, Pub Anchor and Steakhouse Engelen. There are, of course a multitude of other places, but those are the first to come to mind. :)
You can go to this bar in a corner 2 blocks away from the central canal in fucking Malmö, where ONE screwdriver cost me the equivalent of US$22.00 in crowns, at 3 am when I was too tired to realize it at the time of paying :mad:

Yeah, it was just that it had been a really long day and I hadn't had sleep in a while.. I guess the asshole at the bar noticed it..
The thing is, that was the first time I was in Sweden and I wasn't used to the crowns. I payed the amount the guy told me it cost and didn't bother to think about the conversion until later on.
I was so pissed, I couldn't believe I had just let that happen to me.

But actually, despite this, I found Sweden in particular to be a country full of wonderful people.
Oh and the topic at hand reminds me that I never really did get to do much of anything in Stockholm.. I was there for one day. I should return to it someday.