Getting drunk in the early evening appreciation


Readin' me posts are ya?
May 16, 2001
Surbiton. The Posh bit
It's nice. I'm here with the Mrs and her sister and we're already on the third bottle of wine. Watching the sun go down and making some goulash soup.

Best part was just 10 minutes ago when I had two Hungarian girls singing along with Cock Sparrer's "England Belongs To Me" :) (I defy anyone to not sing along to this when drunk.. no matter where you're from..)
Getting drunk in the early evening usually involves me being absolutely hammered that night. When you walk in the bar at 6pm and you're wasted before ordering the first drink, chances of memory lapse are near 100%.

Oh yeah so last night my friend bought some Beck's, Boddingtons, and Pyramid. He wouldn't let me drink the Boddington's until the sun went down, said it wasn't proper. So, a question to you Brits, WTF!?!?
I don't know Lee. I'm all for getting drunk, but it takes way too much alcohol for me to stay drunk from the early evening to early morning(rise).
7pm is my favoured time to start drinking :) Any earlier is a bonus, any later is ok within reason...after 9pm the night's pretty much a lost cause if you're going to a club later :puke:
I need to ask my question more clearly:

Dear Britons inhabiting this thread, is it okay to drink Boddington's BEFORE sunset? I need to throw this in my friends face, straight from the horse's mouth like.
Boddington's is crap anyway, you should drink John Smith's instead. And if it's a nice sunny day, it is acceptable to drink it before sunset, in the beer garden of your local :)
Never heard of John Smith's, and doing a quick search of my suppliers it doesn't look like it's available out here. :( I've had Samuel Smith though, that shit rocks!
Vice versa...I've never heard of Samuel Smith, but John Smith's is common as muck over here! :erk: SS is a bitter too, I assume? Yummm....
Samuel Smith is pretty common over here, even if they are Yorkshire's oldest brewery. :loco:

They have an excellent stout and nut brown ale, among others. My favorite bitter (though I've tried very few) is a Fuller's ESB. That stuff is like butter. Mmmmmmmm.
Boddingtons used to be pretty exclusive to Manchester but now you can find it it any pub and the magic is gone. Drink it when you see fit :)

It's nice to listen to the Macc Lads album while supping a pint though. Check your local downloading service for details :)