Getting drunk in the early evening appreciation

Lee_B said:
Some pics of tonight:

I am arseholed beyond belief and I have to up for work in five hours.. oh dear...


Yup, you look pretty fucked up...judging from your eyes that is! :tickled:
it's funny how Lee posted this stuff here and not on the Elitist board ... :lol:

he knows where people appreciate this stuff :loco:
I think it's a sign that Royal Carnage is a success when someone like Lee posts this kind of stuff here. :D
Wow, Lee B's bitches come from some mighty fine gene pool. [/nigga]

No but seriously, let me applaud you. And in Surbiton no less. I am humbled. *claps*

As for drinking Boddingtons after dark or whatever....fuck that, I have it in me cornflakes like. By 'eck, it's the cream of Manchester! :loco:

Oh, and watching this British TV ad always helps, 'cos you know, English chicks swallow :
JayKeeley said:
As for drinking Boddingtons after dark or whatever....fuck that, I have it in me cornflakes like. By 'eck, it's the cream of Manchester! :loco:
:kickass: Gracias, I sent that on to my B-nikkuh that wouldn't get me a fuckin' pint glass until after dark.
yeah ... the #1 export from Hungary is damn fine puni ... even Hungarians will tell you this :kickass:
I wonder how old Julie's sister is?
Eastern European women always looks much older than their age. I say 29.
did not drink anything since Sunday afternoon.
now it's Thursday, 9AM ... and I feel like I need a drink ... WTF?