Getting Multitracks From Studio


Dec 7, 2008
A band approached me, they recorded in an ssl based studio
with shitloads of expensive gear.

the thing is : mix is crap....

now they want me to remix the album,
but they dont know how to tell the studio in a friendly way,
to get the multitracks for remixing.

any of you had that situation ?

whats the best way to tell the studio in a nice way:
"thanks for nothing. now im gonna get someone else because you FAILLED BIG TIME ! !!!" :-)

and : logic users : is it a problem exporting multitracks in logic? does it take long?
but they dont know how to tell the studio in a friendly way,
to get the multitracks for remixing.

any of you had that situation ?

As long as their bill was paid in full with the other studio. It wouldn't be to difficult for the band to ring the studio up to make an appointment to drop by with a hard drive to "back everything up" Most studios don't want to be re$pon$ible for their clients projects.

I just had to remix someones album who had a similar situation (initial mixes didn't cut it).

The audio files for 12 songs were contained in "one" folder...which is a major hassle.
thanks guys. the backup thing is a good idea ;-)

ermz: yeah, well you know after 1 months of working together everything is soo emotional between engineer and band,
so it gets harder and harder to tell them they wanna go somewhere else to finish the project.
if its logic 9, its very easy and quick. basically the same time to do an offline bounce of the whole song.

cool, thanks! the band is not sure what they will charge them for that.
i think you could do 11 tracks in logic the way you discribed in 2 hours, right?