Getting old sucks


Damn Christians!
Aug 15, 2006
Boyton, WPB, FL
I'm only 33, my head is spinning with "young" thoughts, (don't be a perv:heh:) ahead of me it seems. I have felt this decrease in overall function from the age of 29. The days and nights get shorter and shorter. Everyday is more repetitive. Stomach problems from nowhere, despite my strict diet. A noticeable loss of energy. My back hurts WTF? :mad:

I know i'm going to complain about this next year :lol: but I have to say it "out loud"

Young dudes! Enjoy that shit! I don't even have the right yet and it still sucks. :waah:

Life is awesome! :)
Yea dude, I have no fucking clue why days and nights get shorter and shorter with age... why is it speeding up like that? :S Don't you think I feel old now at 22 when I think back at my teen years, like 14-16? Those were fucking kick back :D

Life is awesome but it sucks at the same time... why is there no cheat like "IDDQD" (you know from which game that is? ;) Show your skillz!), so we can just do all crazy shits? :(
Yea dude, I have no fucking clue why days and nights get shorter and shorter with age... why is it speeding up like that? :S Don't you think I feel old now at 22 when I think back at my teen years, like 14-16? Those were fucking kick back :D

Life is awesome but it sucks at the same time... why is there no cheat like "IDDQD" (you know from which game that is? ;) Show your skillz!), so we can just do all crazy shits? :(

Doom motherfucker. IDKFA would be pretty sick IRL too.
With the years some things decrease, others increase. Each age has something new for you to explore :) I don't fear age nor do I look back too much :D

And yes, life in general is awesome but right now it sucks for me :heh:
Fuck yeah! IDBEHOLDS would be fun time, too. Haha...

But seriously, pre-twenties I felt that godmode in every fiber... once I went post twenty, I suddenly have allergies (WTF?), I have a 7-inch metal-plate in my leg, I'm balding, my blood-circulation is fucked, THERE ARE HANGOVERS and last but not least I can't masturbate 20 times a day anymore...

Seriously, 23, life is over...
I'm only 33, my head is spinning with "young" thoughts, (don't be a perv:heh:) ahead of me it seems. I have felt this decrease in overall function from the age of 29. The days and nights get shorter and shorter. Everyday is more repetitive. Stomach problems from nowhere, despite my strict diet. A noticeable loss of energy. My back hurts WTF? :mad:

I know i'm going to complain about this next year :lol: but I have to say it "out loud"

Young dudes! Enjoy that shit! I don't even have the right yet and it still sucks. :waah:

Life is awesome! :)

I'm right there with you, I'll be 33 in May, and I agree completely.
The way I see it (being from the states, mind you), your 18th birthday is cool because you're allowed to do more things legally, your 21st is probably the best because then you can buy alcohol, but then its all downhill from there. The only things you get to look forward to after that are your car insurance rates going down, and being of age to qualify for senior discounts (yay!).

One thing that is particularly depressing to me (and this probably will sound stupid as hell) is I remember as a kid playing with toy airplanes and GI Joes, and in my imagination for some reason I was always 28. I don't know why, but I guess I just figured 28 is old enough to be a bona-fide baddass fighter pilot or special ops commando, but you're still fairly young. I just turned 27, and haven't figured out what I want to do with my life, let alone accomplished a damn thing proffessionally. Looks I have about a year to get my act together!!!
I'm only 33, my head is spinning with "young" thoughts, (don't be a perv:heh:) ahead of me it seems. I have felt this decrease in overall function from the age of 29. The days and nights get shorter and shorter. Everyday is more repetitive. Stomach problems from nowhere, despite my strict diet. A noticeable loss of energy. My back hurts WTF? :mad:

I know i'm going to complain about this next year :lol: but I have to say it "out loud"

Young dudes! Enjoy that shit! I don't even have the right yet and it still sucks. :waah:

Life is awesome! :)

Quit whining you big baby. Seriously. I'm 38 & never let that slow me down for one minute. Life is what you make it. Carpe Diem. Now shut the fuck up & get back to work! :heh:
When we got 15, one of my friends said "im just 15 years away, to become an Grumpy decrepith old man", we all laugh at him and since then every of his birthdays, we reminded that to him, "you only are 10 yeas away, you are only 8 years away" etc.

I remember when a was like 13, i was imagine my self married at 22, for me 22 was older enough, im 27 and i just got married haha, but yeah, i felt since 19, time pass alot faster, so guys with 17, enjoy every fucking day, every minute of it, because once you fell a year passed faster , you are fucked, time becomes nothing, im still enjoying life, but im still 3 years away to become an grumpy decrepith old man, haha.
I've just hit 39...and really I'm not interested in the getting old thing - I'm still as horny as ever (probably worse), I drink as bad as I used to (probably worse) and my behavior in public is not getting any better - fuck age, do what you do - do it disgracefully before you check out.

PS I've just bought a harley and a les paul - i could be going through mid life crisis lmao
I've just hit 39...and really I'm not interested in the getting old thing - I'm still as horny as ever (probably worse), I drink as bad as I used to (probably worse) and my behavior in public is not getting any better - fuck age, do what you do - do it disgracefully before you check out.

PS I've just bought a harley and a les paul - i could be going through mid life crisis lmao

That's fucken awesome!! :rock: :rock: :rock:
Oz and Skyweaver have got it right. I'm older than both of them and despite everything that life is at this age, I'm not a day over 20. Fuck 'em all.
oh and here's photo evidence of growing old disgracefully, this was taken a couple of xmas's go - more BEER !

LMFAO guys. Good stuff. I feel better now. I knew someone older than me would tell me to stfu :lol: :kickass: haven't reached the denial age yet. :heh:

@Skyweaver funny pics dude. Good luck with that midlife crises. :lol: