Getting ready for my first quadruple track guitar recording


Apr 23, 2002
Hey guys, I am in serious need of help here. So I found a tone which I really like by spending some time tweaking PODxt. I sent the riff to a couple of people for an opinion and they mostly said they liked the tone, but it sounded thin(it was just a single guitar track nothing else). I thought I can overcome that problem by quadrupling the guitar track. So my problem is should I try to find another tone to record 2 of the 4 tracks to blend in with the one that I already have or should I just use the same tone throughout the 4 tracks, get opinions from you guys and then move on to blending it with another tone?

I would post the riff right now but I am at work, so I guess that has to wait for a while.

Any other tricks that would be helpful to me? I will be using Cubase SX with PODxt direct through USB with a Maxon OD-808 in front.
I am no expert, but why not try doing 2 tracks of your original tone panned left and right and the tweaking the settings a bit, such as adding or subtracting some mids, bass or treble, or maybe changing the cab sim. Post your clip when you can so we can hear how your tone sounds.
neverpurify said:
I am no expert, but why not try doing 2 tracks of your original tone panned left and right and the tweaking the settings a bit, such as adding or subtracting some mids, bass or treble, or maybe changing the cab sim. Post your clip when you can so we can hear how your tone sounds.
Yeah, I am not too set on using 4-tracks yet. It is just one riff and this is not a serious recording just the first try. Keep the suggestions coming, I will be able to post the tone in a couple of hours.
The guitar is tuned to Eb. I am using EMG 85 on the bridge to Maxon OD-808 to PODxt through USB directly to the computer. Unfortunately, I don't have a real amp now. Now let the flaming begin! I want some constructive criticism and destructive bashing! By the way, it is just one single guitar track. I will record it quadruple or at least double track it after I listen to some suggestions here.