Getting really sick of discovering rip-offs in Opeth music

I didn't ever really care about this, but sometimes its just so blatant that it annoys me. It makes me think that, given how obscure Mike's taste in music is, how much stuff does he "borrow" that we'll never know about. Don't get me wrong, I still love the band... but its just really bad form I think. The thing that sparked this was the new cover "Den Standiga Resan" at 0:15 onwards. Compare it to 6:28 in To bid you farewell.

then please stop listening to opeth and leave this forum forever. nobody fucking cares fucking prick.
I think for a band who wrote songs such as Advent where the riffs change every 30 seconds (and rarely repeated), borrowing some ideas is expected. It's not as if Mike is trying to hide the influences. If you really consider the Benighted riff 'stealing', then why would Mike regularly praise Camel? It usually comes down to consciousness and if Mike truly stole it I'm sure he'd hide his Camel-fascination.

Couldn't have said it better, hell in the Lamentations DVD he even says that Ending Credits is taken directly from them. Would I prefer it if he came up with his own stuff all the time? Sure, but he has always acknowledged the music that has inspired him, so it's not that big of a deal.
There's this saying in Dutch,

'Beter goed gestolen dan slecht bedacht'

It means, you'd better steal someone's good idea, than to make up a bad one yourself.. And I really think that has something to do with this thread... :)
If some shithouse metalcore band stole an opeth riff or idea you guys would never shut up about it. But when Mike steals riffs its creative? If creatively stealing is what you appreciate fine, I'd rather originality. I'm not talking about influence here and similar moods, but outright taking of ideas.

So true....these boards would be non stop shitfests if some band stole Opeth riffs...
Jeez... when ya get right down to it, there are really only 12 notes in modern music theory, and they've been around for a really long time, so please explain to us how the hell can anything be truly "original"? And come on, reality time... name pretty much any band on the planet and you could pick out stuff they've "borrowed" all over the place if you looked hard enough!

Everyone has their own conglomeration of influences, it's how you combine, express and reinterpret them that formulates your own individual "style". You CANNOT be a musician, or any type of artist for that matter, and not "borrow" from what you've experienced and heard before. It's only "stealing" if it's a contrived, deliberate effort to deceive, and I certainly don't pick up on any of that coming from Opeth!

If you still can't handle it, shut up, go invent some new notes and show us all how it's done already!
Jeez... when ya get right down to it, there are really only 12 notes in modern music theory, and they've been around for a really long time, so please explain to us how the hell can anything be truly "original"? And come on, reality time... name pretty much any band on the planet and you could pick out stuff they've "borrowed" all over the place if you looked hard enough!

Everyone has their own conglomeration of influences, it's how you combine, express and reinterpret them that formulates your own individual "style". You CANNOT be a musician, or any type of artist for that matter, and not "borrow" from what you've experienced and heard before. It's only "stealing" if it's a contrived, deliberate effort to deceive, and I certainly don't pick up on any of that coming from Opeth!

If you still can't handle it, shut up, go invent some new notes and show us all how it's done already!

Well said, now pass some of that shit over here!:hypno:
I didn't ever really care about this, but sometimes its just so blatant that it annoys me. It makes me think that, given how obscure Mike's taste in music is, how much stuff does he "borrow" that we'll never know about. Don't get me wrong, I still love the band... but its just really bad form I think. The thing that sparked this was the new cover "Den Standiga Resan" at 0:15 onwards. Compare it to 6:28 in To bid you farewell.

This is known as "trolling". Trolls need to be fed to stay alive. Capiche?
This is known as "trolling". Trolls need to be fed to stay alive. Capiche?

you have to be an idiot to think it's wrong to rip off parts from other bands.
that's the way music is written basically.
Its not trolling to express a concern about one of my favourite bands. It reallly irks me how much everyone here has over-simplified my point. No, I'm not upset that Opeth use chords or notes that other people have used before. The part in the song I have referred to is a direct copy of an element of the original, its not being influenced or using similar chords or whatever. Its the same thing. You guys have just been setting up ridiculous straw-man arguments, I've never said anything about no one being influenced by anyone else. Direct copies of melodies and riffs isn't influential or creative no matter how much you like the band. Opeth is probably my favourite band, but that doesn't mean that I can't have any criticism of them. Its seriously almost like you can't actually understand the point I'm making. I'll say it again, if another band took Opeth's riffs and melodies in the way Opeth happily steals (occasionally...again this is only a criticism, not my be-all opinion of them), you wouldn't be so forgiving about it.
Its not trolling to express a concern about one of my favourite bands. It reallly irks me how much everyone here has over-simplified my point. No, I'm not upset that Opeth use chords or notes that other people have used before. The part in the song I have referred to is a direct copy of an element of the original, its not being influenced or using similar chords or whatever. Its the same thing. You guys have just been setting up ridiculous straw-man arguments, I've never said anything about no one being influenced by anyone else. Direct copies of melodies and riffs isn't influential or creative no matter how much you like the band. Opeth is probably my favourite band, but that doesn't mean that I can't have any criticism of them. Its seriously almost like you can't actually understand the point I'm making. I'll say it again, if another band took Opeth's riffs and melodies in the way Opeth happily steals (occasionally...again this is only a criticism, not my be-all opinion of them), you wouldn't be so forgiving about it.

So list some more ripoffs, then...
I don't think the fact there are rip-offs is up for dispute here? Everyone here has acknowledged it, therefore I'm not going to waste my time.