Getting really sick of discovering rip-offs in Opeth music


Sep 9, 2004
I didn't ever really care about this, but sometimes its just so blatant that it annoys me. It makes me think that, given how obscure Mike's taste in music is, how much stuff does he "borrow" that we'll never know about. Don't get me wrong, I still love the band... but its just really bad form I think. The thing that sparked this was the new cover "Den Standiga Resan" at 0:15 onwards. Compare it to 6:28 in To bid you farewell.
God yeah it is a little bit similar, but not the same chord thought. That's not so annonying. And if Mike borrows things and it sounds great, that causes no problem. And if we never know about it, that's just perfect. And if we do, then why should we care? The emotion is still there, and that makes Opeth unique. Every bands are inspired by something, aren't they?
No problem. I'll have a chat with Mikael about that point. seriously, for some people it's a lack of creativity but for some others it's a good way to make links between ideas. if it's well done, why not.
I can only imagine how much you must hate Dream Theater if you're annoyed by something this insignificant.
If some shithouse metalcore band stole an opeth riff or idea you guys would never shut up about it. But when Mike steals riffs its creative? If creatively stealing is what you appreciate fine, I'd rather originality. I'm not talking about influence here and similar moods, but outright taking of ideas.
There's not a thing on this planet that doesn't stem from something else. That's just the way it goes, and a lot of the time it's not even a conscious thing.
There's not a thing on this planet that doesn't stem from something else. That's just the way it goes, and a lot of the time it's not even a conscious thing.

yep. every note's been played a zillion times, time to get over it.
I think for a band who wrote songs such as Advent where the riffs change every 30 seconds (and rarely repeated), borrowing some ideas is expected. It's not as if Mike is trying to hide the influences. If you really consider the Benighted riff 'stealing', then why would Mike regularly praise Camel? It usually comes down to consciousness and if Mike truly stole it I'm sure he'd hide his Camel-fascination.
Opeth has never been a band afraid to admit their influences, if you ask him mike will flat out tell you where certain sections of songs came from. Their is absolutely nothing wrong with it, its great IMO.
Even classical composers do this. You wouldn't say, "Man, Mozart totally ripped off Bach in that movement!" You'd say, "Oh look, he's paying homage to Bach...." and what about Paganini's 24th Caprice? About 1000 composers have ripped that off. etc etc there are endless examples in every genre.

Even if every single Opeth riff EVER turned out to be a rip-off of something else, it still takes a tremendous amout of creativity to blend it all in a seemless way, don't you think?
I think for a band who wrote songs such as Advent where the riffs change every 30 seconds (and rarely repeated), borrowing some ideas is expected. It's not as if Mike is trying to hide the influences. If you really consider the Benighted riff 'stealing', then why would Mike regularly praise Camel? It usually comes down to consciousness and if Mike truly stole it I'm sure he'd hide his Camel-fascination.

exactly, i had a problem with a lot of prog for a long time when they use the same riff or sometimes noise over and over for like 10 minutes, but i find opeth never dwells on a riff too long, and for that id have to say its pretty incredible, and would be hard to do, so what if hes taken somebody else has done and put it in his songs, its not like hes ripping the whole song off, hes just using one part he likes to compliment his song
If some shithouse metalcore band stole an opeth riff or idea you guys would never shut up about it. But when Mike steals riffs its creative? If creatively stealing is what you appreciate fine, I'd rather originality. I'm not talking about influence here and similar moods, but outright taking of ideas.

Go listen to another band, then.:mad:
The style is very similar with the plucked acoustic guitar in the background and a really bring sounding guitar-- I think a 12 string-- playing chords... but I don't think they are even playing the same thing in the two songs. It is certainly heavily influenced or paying homage, but ripping them off? Not really, the riffs aren't identical at all, just close enough to remind you of the other song, which I think could be the point.