Getting rid of LOT'S of unwanted noise in the snare top mic!

try this as well mic placement like this HH< mic snare, place the mic so its facing away from the high hats and also high pass everything on the snare so the kick woof is gone and you will only head the high end of the kick. just my 2 cents :)
Sorry for n00byness...

Could someone describe how you actually go about making a 'side-chain' using a triggered snare track that then controls a gate?

I can fathom the concept, I'm just not sure how you actually put it into practice :goggly:

Andy Sneap said:
errr thats exactly what I said!

Sorry! I misunderstood your post. I thought you were talking about a snare that has been triggered with a transducer. I didn't have in mind that it's also called "triggering" when you use Drumagog or Soundreplacer or whatever...:notworthy
Blessed said:
Sorry for n00byness...

Could someone describe how you actually go about making a 'side-chain' using a triggered snare track that then controls a gate?

I can fathom the concept, I'm just not sure how you actually put it into practice :goggly:


You got two tracks, one with the original signal(dirty track) and one with the triggered signal(clean track, only the hits). Route the original track to your outputs as usual, route the trigger signal to a new bus.

Put a gate in the channel of the original track. Route the bus of the triggered signal into the Sidechain(sidechain return/input, sometimes called "Key input") of the gate. Adjust the gate in that way, that it only opens when the hits of the triggered signal appear.

Moreover you can bring the triggered track a few samples forward for a preview function. By doing this you can avoid cutting the transients.

I'd use a very short attack time(around 1ms) and release time around 40ms. Play around with those until it fits.

okay, im going to have to bring this one up again, since i can't really seem to figure out that last step..

I have the dirty track, no drumagog on it, just some EQ, compression, and the rest of the standard deal..

I have the track with the trigger signal on it, where the hits should be, and where one would want them to be.. in this case, i think i can use the bottom mic track.. can i do that?

I put drumagog into a new bus, and route the clean track, or the snare bottom mic track in my case, to the new bus with drumagog in it, right?

I then put in a gate in the dirty track.. i used C1 gate SC (sidechain) for this..

All is fine untill this comes up, routing the gate to the clean triggered track... could anyone please save the Booby and explain how to do this? maybe a step by step explanation, if that's not asking too much?

I can't get this done for now, but thanks to all who have gotten me so far though!
I think you want to do it like this.

Make a copy of your original track. Plug in drumagog on the copied track and tweak until you have a clean track. Just the triggered hits and none of the mic'd sound on bleed. Bounce that to a new clip with the drumagog applied. Then you have a "clean" track with triggered hits and no bleed.

Insert a gate on the "dirty" track (the original mic'd track) and for this gate, select the output of the "clean" track as the side chain or "key" input. You have to have a gate that accepts a side chain input.

You can nudge the "clean" track back just a bit so that your gate will open slightly in advance, like a look ahead function.
Insert a gate on the "dirty" track (the original mic'd track) and for this gate, select the output of the "clean" track as the side chain or "key" input. You have to have a gate that accepts a side chain input.

Thanks for your explanation metalhead..

I can't seem to find an output option in my waves C1 comp/gate though... i can monitor "audio", "sidechain" and "passive" though.. but im not sure if i need to look there?

"key mode" accepts these options: "stereo", "L-> R" and "R <- L"..

I can't find any other options where i could put the output of the clean track into the gate... i can hardly believe that the waves gate wont allow me to do this option.. so i must be missing something for sure..
Using the side-chain function in C1 is a bit tricky. There's no separate SC module.
I never done this but I think you need to route both signals into the same stereo buss with a C1 unit inserted. Panned hard right/hard left, then set c1 to use 1 channel as the SC signal and one as the processed signal. Then find a way to route both signals into separate mono busses.
I may be wrong, gonna try it...
I don't have the C1, but the left/right trick is the way I have to sidechain.
You mentioned that it will use L or R as the key input. If that's how you do it you need to route your clean and dirty tracks to a stereo buss and pan them hard left and right respectively. Then you'll select the left side as your key input. For the output of the bus, you'll need to pan hard right to cut out the other channel, then route that to another bus so that you can pan that track where you want it.
You could also use this plug in if you can use Direct X

With that you can pan and control the gain of the left and right sides of a stereo track independantly.

EDIT:.....I see that Burny just answered the same thing while I was thinking about it....haha

Search the net. I got 3 sets for $19.95 each with free shipping.
Easiest way to get rid of hat bleed in the snare mic: resist the urge to crank the 10k up on that snare mic. All you'll do is turn up the hat. Cut some lows & low mids & get the hi's from the overheads.