Getting used to the Axe II - 5150 model!


Apr 24, 2009
Bath, UK
Hey dudes,

I had a chance to mess around with my Axe II some more today, I'm definitely starting to get used to which parameters to tweak. After an initially underwhelming first few tries with the Axe II I have to say I'm now completely won over. The differences between the II and the Ultra are only becoming more and more apparent.

The guitar used is my ViK Duality 7, the bass is a McIntyre custom 5-string through a Chandler Germanium DI/pre, drums are a combination of Toontrack's Metal Machine, Evil Drums, Music City, Slate 4 and some additional samples of my own.

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Awesome, thanks! I think one of the really noticeable improvements was messing with the "SPKR" tab on the amp block - fiddling with the frequencies and amounts of boost applied did a lot to tame boominess and get the top end to sound "right". The "DYN" section also seems to do a lot, I'm running the dynamics parameter pretty high and that seems to get the low end response to be realistically bouncy. Overall I'm really impressed with the latest firmware update, I feel like they've finally managed to get the response truly realistic.
Cheers dudes!
Ang3 - yeah, I like to just think of the mic models as EQ curves. I more or less stick to the 57, R121 and U87 models for aggression, low end and midrange respectively.
Awesome, thanks! Glad to have your seal of approval Jeff, you're quite correct - passives, 50mm pick and fairly light strings :)
Awesome, thanks! Glad to have your seal of approval Jeff, you're quite correct - passives, 50mm pick and fairly light strings :)

That's insane. I've been using 1 to 1.14mm picks for the longest time, and about 6-7 months ago upped my string gauge to compensate for picking things out of tune (10-52 in E now). Switched to .73's 2-3 months ago and have just found how fucking awesome .60's are, think I might finally be able to come back to 10-46's (which have always sounded best to me).
Yeah, it's funny isn't it! I recently switched from Jazz IIIs to the .60mm TIIIs and use those almost all the time now, but a .50mm just sounds so good for tracking those "purring" palm mutes. It's so nice to be able to use lighter gauge strings and not be knocking them out of pitch all the time, like you I much prefer the sound of regular 10s in E and even Eb.
FUCK ME. this rules SO FUCKING hard. As others have said, definitely the best AxeFx tone I've heard to date. Wish the clip was longer though with some trem picking and other techniques....!

sick work, dude