Getting used to the Axe II - 5150 model!

just had a listen again, and i'm just as impressed as the first time i heard it. definitely the most impressive axefx metal clip i've heard to date. awesome job, nolly!

the last clip is still 404 :/
just had a listen again, and i'm just as impressed as the first time i heard it. definitely the most impressive axefx metal clip i've heard to date. awesome job, nolly!

the last clip is still 404 :/

same here, this is like the tone i always had in my head.
with my standard i came close but never so damn close as this one:dopey:
Nolly I want your ViK!! I also want an Axe-Fx II if it only has this patch. Everything else that I've heard from it has been inferior to the original Axe-Fx. :)

Amazing job dude!
Damn, I have no idea what's up with that link not working. In honesty it's not really anything special, without bass it lacks a lot of the power of the first mixtest.

Besides that, really glad you guys are still digging the clip :)
Is this just the straight up axe fx? Or is your master chain having an effect? And/Or additional eq and what not in your daw?

There's a little post-eq but nothing that really changes the character in any way: bandpassing, high shelf boost, very small and wide cut at 350Hz-ish, couple of notched uglies in the 2-3.5k.
The master chain is just comp and limiting - no EQ on the stereo bus.
were you using the AxeII as an interface?

i'm wondering how the axe performs as an interface in OS X and logic. i think you're also using logic, right?