getting waves renaissance bundle or not?


Mar 16, 2009
Germany - Munich
hey guys,
since I will end my studies next month I wanted to profit from being a student one last time and get some nice plugins, since I still get an educational discount :).

My choice so far would be the waves renaissance maxx bundle, cause i'd love to have the rverb, the rvox, req and a waves compressor. (rcomp)

Alternatively, I could get the Native Power Pack with C1 and Trueverb, but no EQ ...
Both are 200-240€.

What do you guys think about those bundles in general? I could even get Silver (350€) or Gold (500€), but those are a bit out of my budget ... or should I grab one of those?!
Help would be really appreciated!
Thanks guys. yea, musicians bundle 2 seems promising for me, but I'd like one reverb as well... but is it worth the extra cash? lol

You know, I wouldnt buy any if I wouldnt get the discount, and that one lasts only till the end of september ... unluckily no discount on the SSL ...
Ren Maxx plugs still get used here at my studio even though I have alot of plugin choices (probably too many).
They are good for certain applications, especially the Rverb and Rcomp.
musicians 2 bundle can use defaults reverbs and you'll be just fine. first, you need to learn to use what you have, to know what you really need

good point :) I'm still quite happy with cubase's reverance so far.

and as you guys said, musicians 2 has all the rest ... hm, time to think things over. ty
I bought the Musician's 2 bundle a while back, really glad I did. RVox alone was worth the bundle price, but I get use out of the other plugs as well. Just use a stock verb plug from your DAW, or look into getting just a verb separate like Ed suggested the Redline verb is great.