Ghost Brigade cancels.....what about Seventh Wonder?!


May 14, 2007
Hey Rene and all,

just read that Ghost Brigade had to cancel.
That opens the door for another band, right?!
So what about Seventh Wonder?.....

Rene, is this a band who you would concider to replace GB?

Anyone else familiar with their music?
It's a band from Sweden who made a brilliant album two years ago with 'Waiting in the Wings'. Progmetal as it is meant to be, awesome melodies/songs by a hugely skilled band and singer!! Allthough they know their instruments (and they let us know they do) their focus is allways on the song(s).
The cd got real good reviews but they never had the chance to make a real tour with that album.
Now Seventh Wonder has a new album coming our way. It is called 'Mercy Falls' and is sceduled for the 12th of september. There is a full song (and two other snippets as well) available at their site......check it out on the forum!!

Two of the bands I wanted to see the most has cancelled now. WTF!!!
"unfortunately cancelled due to financial and logistical reasons"....BAAAD excuse. They must have known all details when they took the gig.

OK, so who will cancel next week. Heineken?
We are not going to spend too many words on this, but sometimes we get really tired of this. Bands know the conditions we can offer them, but for some reasons there are always bands that for some reason have to cancel. Mostly this happens because bands work with the wrong bookers or managers, and that is the biggest frustration we have. Because many of these people are only interested in 1 thing, money! And for the rest they don't care at all.

Well, we have to deal with this and we will try to book another interesting band that really wants to play. Right now we are talking to a band that probably not many of you know, they are on our list for next year, so no we try to book them for this year. We will keep you informed.

Dan Swanö:loco:

Met him in the grocery store a week ago, he'd love to come for some beers:kickass: some year(and even be ready to play some Second Sky songs:OMG:)

Thurisaz(from Belgium) as a Ghost Brigade replacement?
Having Seventh Wonder would be fantastic! I am very much looking forward to their new album. Since I missed them at Headway it would be great seeing them in Baarlo. Rene would you please consider? Thanks! :)
Shit! This is bad news regarding Ghost Brigade, I was really looking forward to seeing them, but the announcement about Alarum has made up for it :) So that night, we have Wolverine followed by Alarum, then Zero Hour, and finally the mighty Cynic! Sheer f*cking bliss :headbang:
How about Andromeda? They'll have a new album out in September, and they're pretty much the best band consisting of MORTAL BEINGS coming from Sweden right now (obviously, Opeth are gods)
... ask bands that always play ... and not only for money. Like for example Dead Soul Tribe.

Or give Day Six a 2nd chance (after the technical problems of last year).
Oooh good grief no! Not Seventh Wonder! I was really looking forward to them at Headway last year after hearing a few tracks and they sucked. Musicianship was good, but the frontman wasn't very good and seemed to have 'tuning' issues. Alarum on the other hand... wow, can't wait, a whole evening of techy prog metal.. mmm, bliss!:headbang:
Oooh good grief no! Not Seventh Wonder! I was really looking forward to them at Headway last year after hearing a few tracks and they sucked. Musicianship was good, but the frontman wasn't very good and seemed to have 'tuning' issues.

I wasn't at Headway myself so i can't share your observations and feelings ...... i just can't imagine that "they sucked".
If my memory serves me well the band stated on their site that they weren't happy with their show at all. They had some major technical problems that night which of course automatically influenced their performance. The fact that you saw that they are awesome musicians, despite their situation, says a lot, i guess.
Again, i wasn't there but i just can't imagine Tommy, the frontman/singer, having 'tuning-issues'. I know a studioperformance can't be compared to a life-performance/concert but damn, the man has a godly voice.

I hope they get a chance real soon to make it up to the (dutch) fans.....
Well I also 'got a few names that should be great like Sun Caged, Stride, Serenity, Satellite, RPWL or even Cloudscape (brilliant). But I guess that if any of those bands are touring right now, it might be complicated as the show is now in one month and a few days.
I've also discovered an amazing band, which is touring now, and it is Demians. The whole thing was written and performed by a french guy named Nicolas Chapel and it's a very good album.