Ghost Brigade cancels.....what about Seventh Wonder?!

I wasn't at Headway myself so i can't share your observations and feelings ...... i just can't imagine that "they sucked".
If my memory serves me well the band stated on their site that they weren't happy with their show at all. They had some major technical problems that night which of course automatically influenced their performance. The fact that you saw that they are awesome musicians, despite their situation, says a lot, i guess.
Again, i wasn't there but i just can't imagine Tommy, the frontman/singer, having 'tuning-issues'. I know a studioperformance can't be compared to a life-performance/concert but damn, the man has a godly voice.

I hope they get a chance real soon to make it up to the (dutch) fans.....

Like you say, you wasn't there. I was, and they weren't very impressive. More a case of disappointing than actually bad. Check out my review here, where I think I've been fair:
I'd actually like to see 'em again with a good sound, just to see if they can actually cut it live.
Like you say, you wasn't there. I was, and they weren't very impressive. More a case of disappointing than actually bad. Check out my review here, where I think I've been fair:
I'd actually like to see 'em again with a good sound, just to see if they can actually cut it live.


The week before the show at the Headway-festival..
As Tommy said, he had a flu and was´nt feeling to good at the show in Netherlands.. :)