
YES, Ghoultown are GREAT! Definately not Prog or Power, but they have a certain appeal that catches the attention of the prog/power crowd. You really have to see this band live if you haven't yet!
They are coming here next month, can't wait to see them!! Tammy you should come down. John, well...that's a long drive for one band! ahaha

You gonna put us up at your place?????? Give me the date and place an all, and if it is feasible i will be there. I am in fact trying to get them here, in El Paso.:headbang: :headbang:
Yeah for sure!! There is actually a whole music fest that weekend

Ghoultown is playing here
Sat March 24, 2007
Texas A&M University

Hmmm...... I would lvoe to attend, but I'm planning to be back home in Michigan that night. I'm going back for WRESTLEMANIA in Detroit, but also for a show from Madfest Alumni FLESH FOR THE BEAST!! \m/ \m/ HAILZ!!

*ahem* Yes, so... Thanks, I'd love to come, but I can't make it this time around.
Hmmm...... I would lvoe to attend, but I'm planning to be back home in Michigan that night. I'm going back for WRESTLEMANIA in Detroit, but also for a show from Madfest Alumni FLESH FOR THE BEAST!! \m/ \m/ HAILZ!!

*ahem* Yes, so... Thanks, I'd love to come, but I can't make it this time around.

Your loss!! :lol: