ProgPower DVD's....

What are some of everyones favorite PP DVD's? I just picked up the 2 disc Blind Guradian Live DVD and really like it alot. I also watch the 2 disc Doro DVD with a bunch of extra stuff on it alot. I almost picked up the Primal Fear DVD the other day but didnt and opted to pick up the first Dragon Force CD....... I like the Statovarius DVD even thought the format is different. with interviews inbetween songs..... :headbang:
Overall, Star One is best DVD I have and have a bunch, it's very rewatchable! Shaman's DVD is awesome too! Two DVDs I recently got that are real (no overdubs), raw, and rock are Brainstorm's "Live Suffering" (from Soul Temptation cd bonus) and Morifade's "Live at Storsjoyran" (2nd to last concert with vocalist Stefan). As for the future, their new vocalist Kristian Wallin (ex-Rising Faith) should do well for Morifade...future band at a ProgPower concert someday?, hope so! :headbang: