Giant Balls

Loren Littlejohn

Lover of all boobage.
so im updating my underware / pants and just realized i lack anything that is large enough / deep enough for my balls with the way they hang and sustain.

like, "for when the balls hang" or "whenever i may roam", or just a regular hanging out.

i have a sling with the balls in the perch section, but they're like higher than what i really need

does anyone have any suggestions for any packs that include something to help me out?


I just couldn't fucking help myself. Sorry for this. :facepalm:
AH, sorry. Actually I never post parody threads, Joey's thread just was screaming for it so I couldn't help myself. That and it was 4am when I posted it. At least it brought the :lol:.

I won't do it again, I just didn't want to miss this golden opportunity.

I understand...
I read Joeys thread as "Giant Balls" like 20 times myself before I got it right ;)