Krank tones on Pod's...


New Metal Member
Oct 13, 2008
Hey guys,

I'm recording a metal band this weekend who are lookin to go for the 'as i lay dying' sound.

guitar wise, im pretty sure im going to have to run it through my pod xt pro as i dont think they have the right sort of amps for the job.

i did a bit of research and know that the guitarists use krank heads and boogie cabs. the boogie part is do-able as i have the pod and the metal packs for it. however the krank side of things - i'm not too sure?

any suggestions for which head will work best? ive had a play around and i think a tried and trusted 57 on axis on a booge 4x12 will work just stuck amp wise!

HELP PLEASE!!! :worship:
i might be able to sort you out stu if its only a couple of tracks

i have a krank revolution and can get the mesa cab over too.....should have an od808 coming my way soon too

if you are using the pod, use the dual or triple rec models, they will get you the closest and are really the only sims i use for distorted sounds
i might be able to sort you out stu if its only a couple of tracks

i have a krank revolution and can get the mesa cab over too.....should have an od808 coming my way soon too...

Cheers dude! it's just one tune, but i'd really appreciate it!

theyre after the 'oceans' sound actually, so i don't know if that makes much difference if they used randall?
I don't even think they are using Krank's anymore...I think someone who recently saw them said they were using 5150's.