Gibson really tries hard...

Yeah, I would just say I don't really have anything against a fat, un-chambered, well-made Les Paul - it's the shoddy quality control, REEEEEEEEEEEETARDED pricing, and overall attitude of the company that pisses me off (and I personally think they look too dated, I much prefer the modern, sleek design of the ESP Eclipse :D But that's purely preference, of course!)
Yeah, I would just say I don't really have anything against a fat, un-chambered, well-made Les Paul - it's the shoddy quality control, REEEEEEEEEEEETARDED pricing, and overall attitude of the company that pisses me off (and I personally think they look too dated, I much prefer the modern, sleek design of the ESP Eclipse :D But that's purely preference, of course!)

Yeah, honestly bro...the quality control thing I can understand, especially if it happens on a continuous basis. Logically, they probably have too much on their plate and want to knock out as many as possible. I have a 2003 model and it's a great axe. They do use shitty nuts though, so I switched that out along with the tuners and it is so much better now.

The looks thing is definitely preference. I love the looks of a lot of guitars, but something about a Les Paul just does it for me.

You pay too much for the brand name with Gibson. If the ESP Eclipse was made by Gibson as a "modern" model, it would sell for a lot more, even if the guitar was exactly the same.

There are arguments to be had for guitars with a brand name though. For example, the resale value stays strong and often time goes up.
You pay too much for the brand name with Gibson. If the ESP Eclipse was made by Gibson as a "modern" model, it would sell for a lot more, even if the guitar was exactly the same.

There are arguments to be had for guitars with a brand name though. For example, the resale value stays strong and often time goes up.

Meh, I disagree least for the price of mine which I bought 5 or so years ago. Plus, like you said, the used market is plentiful for Gibson.

it doesnt piss you off that you can pay $3K for a gibson les paul and have to replace the nut and tuners because they're subpar? i have issues with that. but then again, i'm not a guitarist really so i couldnt justify paying that much for a guitar anyways. i'm just saying...
it doesnt piss you off that you can pay $3K for a gibson les paul and have to replace the nut and tuners because they're subpar? i have issues with that. but then again, i'm not a guitarist really so i couldnt justify paying that much for a guitar anyways. i'm just saying...

Well I didn't pay $3k for it, and I will usually replace the nut and tuners on most guitars I get anyway, so no. :)

Also, the tuners weren't subpar, just not my taste. I wanted something locking with a good ratio. I'll admit the nuts they use now are shitty, but my luthier cut me a custom graphite nut anyway so all is well.
They are overrated simply because they are way overpriced. Face it, there will always be people willing to pay that premium for the Gibson brandname because of its musical lineage and contribution to rock n roll. That said, Gibson is not the Alpha and the Omega.

I love Les Pauls and I agree big time that they are still the fattest sounding tones right from vintage classic rock to all out metal. There is a reason why Mark Morton lays tracks with his battered Goldtop and not his Jackson signature.

What I can't stand for is its ridiculous pricing and the fact that the corporation knows they will get away with it. That whole Gibson mystique to the newbies that are starting out on the guitar. I know cos I was one of 'em 20 years ago.

I just don't see myself shelling out the ludicrous extra because I am not after that grail-like gibson tone anymore. Every little bit that I save goes towards the gear and sound that I want now. And even if I do want to get an all out chugga tone, I'm sure an ESP les paul with the right pickups and setup will suffice.

It is all about preference and it does boil down to what u want to do with the gear... my friend. :)
Yeah... the old quality issue thing.

One would think they've learned from their own history, when there were few times when they almost went out of business in the late 70s and early 80s. They were lucky that guys like Slash almost single-handedly breathed new life into the company... but rather because of their legendary legacy than their state-of-the-art products.

And that's when they went back on winner's lane, by putting out great reissues and stepping up their game on the standard lines.

But every once in a while they're getting back into those bad habits, trying to reinvent themselves while treating their legacy (instruments) like the unwanted stepkid.

BUT, I firmly believe that their still putting out some great instruments, it's just a shame that you have to hand-select 1k+ instruments to make sure you're getting something worth your money.

That being said, I'd still take the good ol' LP Standard (chambered or not) or a reissue over an ESP Eclipse, but only if I was able to play the instrument before acquiring.
Yeah it can be hit or miss. Also, I didn't mean to come off like a dick in my previous post, but I guess if I gel with something nicely then I am willing to pay for it. To me that is worth the price.

Today, I would most likely buy a used 70's Les Paul custom and a be a pretty happy dude! I agree, they have their priorities in the wrong place, but they always seem to bounce back so I am faithful!

You know, if I was about to spend another 1k+ on a guitar I'd probably get another Caparison.

But when I sat down at Thomann a few weeks ago, searching for the ultimate Rock'n'Roll machine to accompany my Tele, I took a Fender 50s Strat and a Gibbo Meldody Maker with me, sat down in front of a JCM 800... and surprise, surprise (read: no surprise at all), the Plank™ just delivered the goods second-to-none. Even though it's so dirt cheap compared to everything else they put out. And why? Because it's stays so true to the 59 MM, just with a hotter PU than the original P-90...
I stopped buying Gibson after I had a shit quality explorer and ran into other people with the same quality issues. I'm fine with a Diamond Series Schecter :)