Gibson robot guitar

Yeah, Les Pauls are heavy, expensive, and jam into the side of your gut... But dear god that tone....

Throw your Schecters in the trash and get a real guitar.

I'm willing to sacrifice tone for comfort.
anyone else find this reaction insane and way over the top?

Looks like you're on your own on this one.

It's a neat little gadget and would be really useful for a small budget, but I didn't see if you could put it in other tunings like D, C, or B. I only saw drop and open tunings. It's not the actual guitar, it's the concept that I find ridiculous.

How lazy must one be to have a guitar to tune itself? The best part of learning about your guitar in the beginning was experimenting with all different types of tunings, breaking strings, bridge settings, trial and error, etc. Why don't you just push a button and have the guitar play itself?

You've had it in for me for a while because we don't see eye to eye, but you've completely missed the point about my presence here. I post in an over the top and fiery style, always ranting and raving about something. That's why it's FUN.
Another thing...a Les Paul is fucking heavy as it is. Imagine the strain on your back with all these needless robotic devices and shit installed on it.

Bah. Gimme a Jackson Rhoads Kevin Bond Signature and I'm happy as a hog in shit.
you guys have issues. I don't think people who don't know how to tune a guitar are gonna be shelling out huge money for a robot guitar, just for the feature.

The guitar is obviously for more serious players, and the feature I'm guess would really help a lot in a live situation and would reduce the 20-30 wait in between songs to look at your chromatic tuner and get everything back in tune.

Also les pauls are the best.

All your favorite guitar players that have "metal" guitars live and in pictures play LPs in the studio.

beefiest, ballsiest tone ever.
you guys have issues. I don't think people who don't know how to tune a guitar are gonna be shelling out huge money for a robot guitar, just for the feature.

The guitar is obviously for more serious players, and the feature I'm guess would really help a lot in a live situation and would reduce the 20-30 wait in between songs to look at your chromatic tuner and get everything back in tune.

Also les pauls are the best.

All your favorite guitar players that have "metal" guitars live and in pictures play LPs in the studio.

beefiest, ballsiest tone ever.
this is the stuff i was too lazy type out in response to dead winter's over-reaction.
I've never heard Zakk Squyld speak in a southern accent. I've seen him try to look like a redneck, but every time he opens his mouth it screams east coast.