guitars are my Ibanez EXFX through maxon OD808, 5150, mesa cab, and DIGI 003 pre. The day before reamping, my studio flooded, and my landlord moved my guitar cab and mics during cleanup, so i had to find a new sweet spot for the first time in months:Smug: i like the end result though.
Drums are a mix of slate and other samples along with mics. The snare mic is -1.5 db under the sample, mainly because the hi hat cut through too much to bring it higher. The drummer was the most solid i've had in here(velocity wise), so it was very easy using the mic tracks. The kick is 100% replaced though.
Vocals are sm7b into 003 pre. I haven't been feeling my A2D lately for some reason(I think something is wrong with the built in clock).
c1 compression on screams, CLA-76 compression on the singing parts.
Bass is a musicman with steel strings through maxon and sansamp.
That about covers most of the bases.
also, here is a video of drum tracking if you guys are interested. He managed it in 1 take.
What you hear in the video is just the mics(except for kick, which is all trig).