Gifts for a good friend.


New Metal Member
Jul 7, 2011
My friend and I are band mates and are both big fans of Death so I'm going to buy him the B.C. Rich Chuck Schuldiner Tribute Electric Guitar but along with that I want to get him a AMP as well. Me being the drummer I have no idea whats good gear and tech for guitar players... So What Im asking is, What would be a good AMP to match the B.C rich? Should I amp or should I buy a head and speakers? Its meant to be a Christmas gift since I only see him once a year because im in the Air Force.
And money isnt really a big factor, an amp or whatever $1000 and under is fine.

- He prefers Marshal
If you guys like Death, a Marshall Valvestate 8100 with a Marshall 1960 cab would do the job for that kinda tone.