The fact of the matter is, he's ONLY asking bands who are either NOT REAL Metal
tell me, please, what the fuck "real metal" is, and what you have to do to fit under the list? is it not be played on radio or tv at all? do you have to have at least 1 song per album about magic?
pretty ignorant statement on your part. especially because the general direction of your statement leads to call even COB "not real metal". to sit and call other bands that have contributed to the genre fake is pretty ridiculous and unintelligent.
it leads me to believe that if there really is anything as "not real metal", it would ecompass those who throw the term around to label bands that do/dont meet whatever unsensible criteria the opinion is based off of.
id like to see COB's, InFlames', HOF's, and JFAC's response to this. yes, im sure they are so wealthy, probably just rolling in cash due to they are the clear leaders of profit as far as metal bands go...or, so you say, "not real metal" bands go.or just going by who's ALREADY making the most amount of money
-that said, i dont think dave should have changed anythign after 05. i am dissapointed.