Gimme some Summer Driving Music ...

and you did not wonder for a second why I would like this ...
man that song is pure musical masturbation


it also seems to be a 37 minute podcast ...
I am crying here laughing ... :lol:
NADatar said:
Whoa, this sounds like Rush but not gay.

and this statement makes me question your tastes even more considering what you were listening to :lol:
hahaha yeah, I really hate Rush though. Yes are "sing your new broad Sheryl Crow songs with a pawn shop guitar" gay, Rush are "lead the mustache parade while walking bowl-legged" gay. :loco:

Okay NOW I'm listening to The Sword. This rocks. :kickass:
should really be the other way around ... Rush = Yes but not gay

and thanks for the tips fellas :( ... I know have a cd full of WASP and old HALEN