Girlie britpop stuff.


Jul 13, 2005
maybe not the best forum to post it haha, but i since im still a longhaired metal fool doing this kinda stuff i guess i kinda in the right place? haha

How does this sound?

They needed a song fast after a local dude fucked up grandiose.
(funny fact.... i got the files which were not more then midi drums, a "room mic" for the midi rubber midi drums haha, and clipped d.i's and vox..)

What do you think?

Any pointer is welcome.
Drums are ezdrummer nashville.

I really don't like this kind of britpop stuff, but I like the mix. First time EZd nashville, sounds pretty cool!! Lots of tail and room on that kick! Awesome!
Only thing that annoys me a little bit perhaps is the hihat, when playing that open close open pattern, has a bit of that nasty mid crackle, but now that I'm listening again I think it's that shaker that got me confused since it's placed pretty much near the hihat!

Chicks voice is a bit annoying though lol. But I think the whole mix is pretty concise and together, everything fits pretty well, it's pretty good dude, they should be happy with it I reckon! Good work
Cool mix. I wish I had more lighter stuff to mix.

Drums are cool. I'd pan that shaker opposite the hihat though.
Guitars are awesome.
Vocals need a bit of tuning here tonight to take them from amateur to messy pro.
Bass is letting the whole thing down imo. It might be more the playing than the tone, it's just being played too high. It needs a nice solid lowend during the chorus and the bass isn't providing that.
Cool mix. I wish I had more lighter stuff to mix.

Drums are cool. I'd pan that shaker opposite the hihat though.
Guitars are awesome.
Vocals need a bit of tuning here tonight to take them from amateur to messy pro.
Bass is letting the whole thing down imo. It might be more the playing than the tone, it's just being played too high. It needs a nice solid lowend during the chorus and the bass isn't providing that.

+1 to everything
Haha, man you really like your dirty bass and I can understand why, but really? On this song? :)
I think that's the point of britpop...the vocals... a little out-of-tune(kinda natural sounding)... i like everything! Rly great work! 12 points for you!
Haha, man you really like your dirty bass and I can understand why, but really? On this song? :)

I didn't say anything about dirtying up the bass? I just meant that it's really focused in the lowmids and I think it needs more of a solid lowend. But a lot of that stems from the fact that the bassist is playing up an octave half the time.

I think that's the point of britpop...the vocals... a little out-of-tune(kinda natural sounding)... i like everything! Rly great work! 12 points for you!
Vocals need a bit of tuning here tonight to take them from amateur to messy pro.

Again, I haven't said 'tune everything perfectly', I said tune a few notes here and there, make it sound like a professional but natural performance, instead of a somewhat amateurish one as it currently is. Don't know why my posts are so hard to understand..
Sounds great.
Dont hear any problems with the vocals besides you processed them perfectly.
Drums sound cool, but programmed hats (esp. closed) aint cutting it for me :/

realy like the bass and guitars.
the bass reminds me of artic monkeys....
I didn't say anything about dirtying up the bass? I just meant that it's really focused in the lowmids and I think it needs more of a solid lowend. But a lot of that stems from the fact that the bassist is playing up an octave half the time.

I was addressing Seizure ;) I actually agree with what you mentioned.
Thanks for all the advice buds, really really helpfull.

I understand morgan on the tuning, i feel the same, but i also think it will take away the right vibe for this kinda music maybe.
+ they not THAT strong live as on the recording allready, i dont wanna over do it, this is just the band how it sounds like recorded well i guess.

Its weird to keep that cute blonde twin on guitar & bass + drums, power trio feeling without overdoing it.

And i get what you mean shadow walker, i also know when to keep bass clean, but for britpop it fits no? its just a ampegy svt sound i got from a sansamp, not that growly for this kinda stuff right?

Or have my bass distortion/fuzz standards been fucked up by working on stoner and grind so much? haha
Either she has a serious lisping issue or you overdid the de-esser! I had to laugh out everytime she used an "s" :lol:
I think the production is really good and totally fits the music.
But please fix the "s"-issue ;)
i love the Nashville pack. i actually had it made TCI's. the kick is awesome, but you should have gone with the other snare, i think it's a black panther that sounds fatter than the one you have.

guitars are sitting nice in the mix. but i can't say the same about the vocals. maybe some more compression will help, and TUNE the fudge out of them, and also Vocalign them. this can sound very pro with a bit more work here and there.

very cool vibe though man. congratz